A police car drives down a liquefaction-covered Geraldine Street in St Albans, past residents with shovels and wheelbarrows clearing silt.
Part of the parapet of the damaged Carlton Hotel is leaning forward and in danger of falling onto the street below.
Cordon fencing surrounds damaged buildings on Colombo Street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
Damage to the Country Theme shop on St Asaph Street. The upper storey of the building has collapsed.
Cordon fencing surrounds damaged buildings on Colombo Street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
Part of the parapet of the damaged Carlton Hotel is leaning forward and in danger of falling onto the street below.
Part of the parapet of the damaged Carlton Hotel is leaning forward and in danger of falling onto the street below.
Cordon fencing surrounds damaged buildings on Colombo Street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
A colour photograph, probably from the 2000s, of the ANZ Bank Chambers. The presence of the gift shop Inspirations and the lack of a massage parlour indicate that the photograph was taken after the purchase of the building by Andrew Hodge and Craig McWilliams.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury (area covers Christchurch City) NZ. Storm drains - Anfield Street, Brooklands.
Detail of damage to the twisted Medway Street bridge. The photographer comments, "The twisted footbridge at the Medway St corner".
Damage to the Cranmer Centre. The brick facade has fallen from the upper storeys, crushing cordon fencing on the street below.
A digger scrapes up liquefaction silt from Warden Street in Shirley, while workers with shovels look on. The photographer comments, "Clearing silt in Warden St".
A pile of liquefaction silt on the side of a street in Richmond. The photographer comments, "Liquefaction silt took several weeks to be cleared away".
Damage to Bealey Pharmacy on the corner of Bealey Avenue and Colombo Street. The corner of the upper storey has collapsed into the shop below.
Damage to Bealey Pharmacy on the corner of Bealey Avenue and Colombo Street. The corner of the upper storey has collapsed into the shop below.
Damaged buildings on Colombo Street, the upper storeys of which have partially collapsed. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
The twisted and broken Medway Street bridge, cordoned off with emergency tape. The photographer comments, "The twisted footbridge at the Medway St corner".
The twisted and broken Medway Street bridge, cordoned off with emergency tape. The photographer comments, "The twisted footbridge at the Medway St corner".
The twisted and broken Medway Street bridge, cordoned off with emergency tape. The photographer comments, "The twisted footbridge at the Medway St corner".
Liquefaction surrounds a car on Hendon Street in St Albans, near the corner with Hills Road. In the background, 'keep clear' tape cordons off the front of a property.
A truck on Warden Street in Shirley waits to be loaded with liquefaction silt, which a digger in the background is scraping off the road. The photographer comments, "Liquefaction clean-up".
A road roller parked on the side of Banks Avenue. The street is under repair and has a gravel surface. The photographer comments, "Road works in Banks Avenue".
A woman on a bicycle stops to look through cordon fencing at the damaged Cranmer Centre. The brick facade has fallen from the upper storeys to the street below.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These buildings have since been demolished. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These buildings have since been demolished. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These buildings have since been demolished. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
Demolition (Deconstruction) of the partially pancaked multi story car park above the old Smith City building. Taken from the Moorhouse-Colombo Street flyover.
Damage to the Country Theme shop on St Asaph Street. The upper storey of the building has collapsed. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. St Asaph St".
A black and white historic photograph looking along Manchester Street, showing the building of the NZ Express Company, customs, shipping and forwarding agents (ca. 1910-1929).