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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Glass panels with brass surrounds, stacked inside a building. The photographer comments, "These were brass dividers that were brought inside the building two years ago after the Christchurch earthquake. They have been sitting there abandoned in a restaurant that will be either repaired and reopened at a later date or demolished like the many others of its kind".

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

See previous photo (exactly 3 hours earlier). Demolition of the support structure for NZ Breweries smokestack in Christchurch. CERES NZ's nibbler is at work, the pipe stack having been removed yesterday (Saturday). This is three hours after the previous photo, and just a pile of rubble sits beside the tree (largely undamaged despite being next...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Demolition of the support structure for NZ Breweries smokestack in Christchurch. CERES NZ's nibbler is at work, the pipe stack having been removed yesterday (Saturday). I retuned three hours later to see what progress had been made and it was GONE! See next photo. Damage to complex was from the 22/02/20011 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about C1 Espresso's pneumatic tube food delivery system. The video includes an interview with café owner Sam Crofskey about his decision to install the pneumatic tubes. It also includes an interview with chef Richie Ward, who demonstrates how the tubes work. Mini burgers will be stacked inside tubes and then placed in the pneumatic system. The tube will then be sent through the café at 140 km/h to appear at people's tables.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A stack of wooden frames with the words "Quake makes world headlines" written on the uppermost frame. The photographer comments, "This is a sculpture at the CPIT facility in Christchurch. It is a series of squares placed over a column with writing on the squares. It is an excellent movable sculpture that conveys the Christchurch earthquake very well. The squares are placed so that they can slide over each other and even fall inside the other on one side. It is a pity that only two sides of the squares are written on".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

In the top two frames a man discovers a pile of stinking bones and scratches his head in puzzlement; he is pleased when a second man rushes towards him with another bone which, in the lower frame, he proceeds to try to fit together with a bone from the original stack. The second man then realizes that the dinosaur from which he took the bone is starting to shudder and quake. Context - This is a metaphor about the rebuilding the city of Christchurch after the earthquake of 22 February 2011. Debates are beginning about the preserving or knocking down of historic buildings as well as the rebuilding or repairing of houses. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text at top left reads 'Don't forget rubbish day' The cartoon is a large wheelie bin stacked high with debris from 'old dunger buildings'. Someone in a damaged house nearby says 'Good riddance!' Context - Two earthquakes and hundreds of aftershocks have hit Christchurch, the first on 4 September 2010 and a second more devastating one on 22 February 2011. Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee may or may not have actually used the words 'old dungers' to describe some of Christchurch's heritage buildings that are not worth keeping but he might as well have done because many people believe that this is the way he thinks. Debate about which heritage buildings should be kept and which demolished has begun along with debate about how the city should be rebuilt. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

There is a relationship between inelastic deformation and energy dissipation in structures that are subjected to earthquake ground motions. Thus, if seismic energy dissipation can be achieved by means of a separate non-load bearing supplementary damping system, the load bearing structure can remain elastic with continuing serviceability following the design level earthquake. This research was carried out to investigate the advantages of using added damping in structures. The control system consists of passive friction dampers called ring spring dampers installed in the ground floor of the structure using a tendon to transmit the forces to the other parts of the structure. The ring springs dampers are friction devices consisting of inner and outer ring elements assembled to form a spring stack. External load applied to the spring produces sliding action across mating ring interfaces. The damping forces generated by the dampers and transferred in the supplemental system to the structure by the tendon and horizontal links oppose the internal loads. A four storey-two bay steel frame structure was used in the study. Experimental and analytical studies to investigate the effectiveness of a supplemental control system are presented. The model was subjected to a series of earthquake simulations on the shaking table in the Structural Laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department, at the University of Canterbury. The earthquake simulation tests have been performed on the structure both with and without the supplemental control system. The earthquake simulations were a series of gradually increasing intensity replications of two commonly used earthquake records. This thesis includes detailed description of the structural model, the supplemental control system, the ring springs dampers and the data obtained during the testing. Analyses were then carried out on a twelve storey framed structure to investigate the possible tendon arrangements and the size and type of dampers required to control the response of a real building. Guidelines for determining the appropriateness of including a supplemental damping system have been investigated. The main features of the supplemental control system adopted in this research are: • It is a passive control system with extreme reliability and having no dependence on external power sources to effect the control action. These power sources may not be available during a major earthquake. • Ring springs are steel friction devices capable of absorbing large amounts of input energy. No liquid leakage can occur and minimal maintenance is required for the ring spring dampers. • With a damper-tendon system, the distribution of the dampers throughout the structure is not so critical. Only one or two dampers are used to produce the damping forces needed, and forces are then transferred to the rest of the building by the tendon system. • It is a relatively inexpensive control system with a long useful life.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This dissertation addresses a diverse range of topics in the area of physics-based ground motion simulation with particular focus on the Canterbury, New Zealand region. The objectives achieved provide the means to perform hybrid broadband ground motion simulation and subsequently validates the simulation methodology employed. In particu- lar, the following topics are addressed: the development of a 3D seismic velocity model of the Canterbury region for broadband ground motion simulation; the development of a 3D geologic model of the interbedded Quaternary formations to provide insight on observed ground motions; and the investigation of systematic effects through ground motion sim- ulation of small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes. The paragraphs below outline each contribution in more detail. As a means to perform hybrid broadband ground motion simulation, a 3D model of the geologic structure and associated seismic velocities in the Canterbury region is devel- oped utilising data from depth-converted seismic reflection lines, petroleum and water well logs, cone penetration tests, and implicitly guided by existing contour maps and geologic cross sections in data sparse subregions. The model explicitly characterises five significant and regionally recognisable geologic surfaces that mark the boundaries between geologic units with distinct lithology and age, including the Banks Peninsula volcanics, which are noted to strongly influence seismic wave propagation. The Basement surface represents the base of the Canterbury sedimentary basin, where a large impedance contrast exists re- sulting in basin-generated waves. Seismic velocities for the lithological units between the geologic surfaces are derived from well logs, seismic reflection surveys, root mean square stacking velocities, empirical correlations, and benchmarked against a regional crustal model, thus providing the necessary information for a Canterbury velocity model for use in broadband seismic wave propagation. A 3D high-resolution model of the Quaternary geologic stratigraphic sequence in the Canterbury region is also developed utilising datasets of 527 high-quality water well logs, and 377 near-surface cone penetration test records. The model, developed using geostatistical Kriging, represents the complex interbedded regional Quaternary geology by characterising the boundaries between significant interbedded geologic formations as 3D surfaces including explicit modelling of the formation unconformities resulting from the Banks Peninsula volcanics. The stratigraphic layering present can result in complex wave propagation. The most prevalent trend observed in the surfaces was the downward dip from inland to the eastern coastline as a result of the dominant fluvial depositional environment of the terrestrial gravel formations. The developed model provides a benefi- cial contribution towards developing a comprehensive understanding of recorded ground motions in the region and also providing the necessary information for future site char- acterisation and site response analyses. To highlight the practicality of the model, an example illustrating the role of the model in constraining surface wave analysis-based shear wave velocity profiling is illustrated along with the calculation of transfer functions to quantify the effect of the interbedded geology on wave propagation. Lastly, an investigation of systematic biases in the (Graves and Pitarka, 2010, 2015) ground motion simulation methodology and the specific inputs used for the Canterbury region is presented considering 144 small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes. In the simulation of these earthquakes, the 3D Canterbury Velocity Model, developed as a part of this dissertation, is used for the low-frequency simulation, and a regional 1D velocity model for the high-frequency simulation. Representative results for individual earthquake sources are first presented to highlight the characteristics of the small-to-moderate mag- nitude earthquake simulations through waveforms, intensity measure scaling with source- to-site distance, and spectral bias of the individual events. Subsequently, a residual de- composition is performed to examine the between- and within-event residuals between observed data, and simulated and empirical predictions. By decomposing the residuals into between- and within-event residuals, the biases in source, path and site effects, and their causes, can be inferred. The residuals are comprehensively examined considering their aggregated characteristics, dependence on predictor variables, spatial distribution, and site-specific effects. The results of the simulation are also benchmarked against empir- ical ground motion models, where their similarities manifest from common components in their prediction. Ultimately, suggestions to improve the predictive capability of the simulations are presented as a result of the analysis.