A misaligned brick wall in front of a property with silt still piled up around it. During the earthquake, liquefaction drove silt to the surface where it erupted out of the ground like a volcano and formed a pile like the one seen here.
Members of the central and lower North Island Territorial Forces clearing silt from a resident's garden in Christchurch. Sapper Nelson Lambert from Palmerston North can be seen pushing a wheelbarrow.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Anzac Drive close to the Avon River showing the liquefaction and ground tearing".
Extensive damage caused by liquefaction in Bracken Street, Avonside. A pile of liquefaction can be seen in front of this house. After the earthquake, many people had to dig this silt out of their properties and place it on the road to be collected.
Piles of liquefaction silt on St Johns Street in Woolston.
Flooding and liquefaction silt on St Johns Street in Woolston.
Liquefaction silt and portaloos on Peterborough Street in Christchurch Central.
Liquefaction silt piled along the sides of a residential street.
Flooding and liquefaction silt on St Johns Street in Woolston.
Liquefaction silt and flooding in a car park in Kaiapoi.
Flooding and liquefaction silt on St Johns Street in Woolston.
A thick layer of liquefaction silt in the Avon-Heathcote Estuary.
Large piles of liquefaction silt at a dump on Breezes Road.
Three men digging silt out of storm water drains in Burwood.
Liquefaction silt and weeds on the footpath outside the central library.
An image from a Army News March 2011 article titled, "Territorial Force". The image shows members of the Auckland and Northland Territorial Units clearing silt from a resident's garden in east Christchurch. The resident is out in the garden helping out.
A sand volcano in the Halswell Primary School grounds near the playground. Sand volcanoes were caused by liquefaction where the soil loses its strength during the earthquake and the silt rises upwards, ejecting out of a hole like magma in a volcano.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking east along Beach Road towards Bower Avenue. Machine is pumping out groundwater and filtering silt. This piece of road is zoned orange on the left and green on the right".
Bricks from a demolished chimney lie on top of thick liquefaction silt in front of a house in St Albans. The photographer comments, "Our friend Chris Hutching's house. The front lawn and carport have 30cm or more of silt piled on top. He also had to remove a shaky chimney".
Bricks from a demolished chimney lie on top of thick liquefaction silt in front of a house in St Albans. The photographer comments, "Our friend Chris Hutching's house. The front lawn and carport have 30cm or more of silt piled on top. He also had to remove a shaky chimney".
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team examining the Southern Finance Ltd building. Silt from liquefaction covers part of the footpath and road.
A power pole on the corner of Medway Street and Woodchester Avenue is on a lean, standing in a puddle of water and liquefaction silt. In the foreground road cones surround a pile of silt. The photographer comments, "Intersection of Medway St with Woodchester Ave and Flesher Ave, 10 days after the February quake".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking east along Beach Road towards Bower Avenue. Machine is pumping out groundwater and filtering silt. This piece of road is zoned orange on the left and green on the right".
The sewage treatment ponds in Bromley. In the distance trucks and diggers can be seen piling up liquefaction silt. The photographer comments, "Looking NW from the causeway through the sewage wetlands. Mountains of liquefaction silt are being piled up near the corner of Breezes Rd and SH74-Anzac Drive".
Trucks and diggers build large piles of liquefaction silt. In the foreground can be seen the Bromley sewage treatment ponds. The photographer comments, "Looking NW from the causeway through the sewage wetlands. Mountains of liquefaction silt are being piled up near the corner of Breezes Rd and SH74-Anzac Drive".
Liquefaction silt surrounding a large crack on the side of Ferry Road.
A photograph of liquefaction silt piled at the side of a road.
Liquefaction silt being cleared from Hilton Street, near the Kaiapoi Fire Station.
Bricks made from liquefaction silt, for sale at the Canterbury A&P Show.
Silt from liquefaction and road damage around businesses on Ferry Road in Woolston.