An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 7 December 2011 entitled, "Inside the Square".
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 10 September 2010 entitled, "Another step towards normality".
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 2 March 2011 entitled, "Random things".
A story submitted by Jennifer to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Sarah to the QuakeStories website.
The partially-demolished Henry Africa's building cordoned off with safety fencing and road cones.
The partially-demolished Henry Africa's building cordoned off with safety fencing and road cones.
Broken safety glass on the doors of the Fire Brigade inlet for the Clarendon Tower.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Contractors' safety notice for the BDO building, Victoria Street".
Hazard boards for a house being demolished in Richmond. The photographer comments, "Safety warning signs".
The road outside the Kaiapoi Fire Station has slumped, and is cordoned off with safety tape.
Safety fences enclosing a vacant site on Williams Street in Kaiapoi where a building has been demolished.
A safety notice board in the window of the Christchurch City Council Civic Offices on Hereford Street.
A safety notice board in the window of the Christchurch City Council Civic Offices on Hereford Street.
Safety fences enclosing a vacant site on Williams Street in Kaiapoi where a building has been demolished.
A large wooden house red-stickered after the earthquakes. Safety fencing and warning tape blocks off the driveway.
A sign on a wire fencing around a construction site reading, "Quake repairs, keep out, for your own safety".
A presentation which explains that NZTA have adopted SCIRT's approach to utilities management and sets out the reasons why. This presentation was created in 2015.
A document which stipulates SCIRT's minimum standard for managing the risks arising from working around services.
A management plan which describes how SCIRT will coordinate utility authorities and utility relocations.
A document which describes the processes and procedures SCIRT designers and delivery teams had to follow to locate and protect utilities.
A bowtie diagram which SCIRT used to evaluate the risks associated with and analyse the causal relationships associated with service strikes.
A document which describes how SCIRT led the co-ordination of its huge repair programme with those of other utilities.
A document which contains a set of procedures for the "best practice" mark out and recording of subsurface utilities.
A sculpture on Williams Street in Kaiapoi partially enclosed in a safety fence. The footpath around it has been warped.
A view across Williams Street in Kaiapoi to an Egyptian restaurant that has been cordoned off with a safety fence.
A sculpture on Williams Street in Kaiapoi partially enclosed in a safety fence. The footpath around it has been warped.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in a car park on Lichfield Street. The team are wearing face and gas masks, hard hats, safety glasses, knee pads, and rubber gloves. In the background are several earthquake-damaged buildings.
A poster which illustrates each of SCIRT's eight critical risks.
The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street. A safety fence has been placed around the base of the building.