Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Roger Sutton works for Orion Energy.
Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Judith Hughey is a Christchurch resident.
A brief update on the Canterbury earthquake.
Kimberley Grady works for KiwiRail.
Hewitt Humphrey summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
Dave Cliff is the Police Superintendent.
Rowan Quinn, Radio NZ reporter in Hagley Park, Christchurch, where tens of thousands of people are expected to attend the memorial service marking the February 22 earthquake.
Marking the upcoming earthquake anniversary in Christchurch; right of reply on The Panel; newspaper stories with overhyped headlines; a controversial contest backfies on radio - but not really.
Noelle talks with researcher Jesse Dykstra.
Suzie Ferguson gives advice for people in Christchurch.
Rauol Dykestra works for the Fire Service.
Victoria Matthews is the Bishop of Christchurch.
St John's Ambulance Operations Director Micheal Brooks.
Wayne Mapp is the Minister of Defence.
Bill English addresses Press at the Beehive.
Press conference with the Mayor of Christchurch.
Canterbury Area Police Commander Superintendent Dave Cliff.
Catriona Macleod summarises news of the Canterbury Earthquake.
An update on the Canterbury Earthquake.
Public Affairs manager for Kiwi Rail.
David Miller is from Christchurch Civil Defence.
Simon reports from Cashmere.
John Mitchell is the head of Civil Defence.