A photograph of portaloos at the Village Grape in Sumner.
Liquefaction silt and portaloos on Peterborough Street in Christchurch Central.
Portaloos on the side of a building in Christchurch Central.
A photograph of a portaloo on the side of Kingsford Street in the Horseshoe Lake district. Behind the portaloo is a blue pipe which is carrying water temporarily to houses along the street.
A photograph of a portaloo outside a residential property in Christchurch. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, many houses had no running water and were forced to use chemical toilets or portaloos placed along the street. There is flooding and liquefaction on the street in the foreground. Liquefaction silt has been piled on the side of the road and a road cone placed in front.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. A stuffed figurine is dressed as a Crusaders rugby player.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. A stuffed figurine is dressed as a Crusaders rugby player.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. Detail of some decoration with a Crusader's towel and a plastic butterfly.
A photograph of a sign on a portaloo in Latimer Square. The sign reads, "Do not dispose of dust masks in the toilet/bathroom, as they are blocking pumps".
A portaloo on the side of Kingsford Street in the Horseshoe Lake District. Signs with "Merry Christmas" and "Santa's Grotto" have been taped to the side.
A photograph of a temporary Recovery Assistance Centre set up in the Sydenham Community Centre on Hutcheson Street. To the right, a line of portaloos can be seen.
A photograph of a residential street in Christchurch which is covered in liquefaction. In the distance a sign indicates that the speed limit is 30 kilometres an hour. To the left is a portaloo.
A portaloo sits outside a house on River Road. The road is under repair, and the tarmac has been removed leaving a gravel surface. The photographer comments, "Our old house was given a portaloo; I'm not sure why".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Floodwater at Brooklands. Portaloo and wet feet".
A Port-a-loo placed in Cranmer Square.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Avonside Drive".
The small crane on the back of a rubbish truck has picked up a whole portaloo and dumped its contents (a man with his pants around his ankles) into the rubbish. The driver tells the crane operator that he should have emptied 'the bin! ... Not the portaloo!'. A streetsign reads 'Avonside'. Refers to the use of portaloos in parts of Christchurch since the earthquake of 4th September because of damage to plumbing infrastructure. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of a paper heart pegged to the door of a portaloo. A quote on the heart reads, "'We can do no great things; only small things with great love.' Mother Teresa".
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black and the inside filled with Crusaders memorabilia and a stuffed figurine representing a rugby player.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. Detail of butterflies inside near the figurine dressed as a rugby player's foot.
Liquefaction and flooding on Avonside Drive. The street is closed off with cones and a "Road closed" sign, and portaloos line the street. The banks of the Avon River have been built up with gravel.
A man knocks at the door of a portaloo and asks if the sewer has been down long. The portaloo has a TV mast, a washingline, a letterbox, and flowers planted outside. In the background is a wrecked house. . Refers to the use of portaloos in parts of Christchurch since the earthquake of 4th September because of damage to plumbing infrastructure. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of emergency management personnel walking through Latimer Square. In the background, portaloos, supplies, and tents have been set up for the emergency management teams working in Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a SPCA Wellington vehicle driving through the Christchurch central city after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background, a group of shops has been damaged by the earthquakes. A portaloo can be seen to the left.
A photograph of a member of the New Zealand Army standing in front of an army truck on the corner of Barbadoes and Armagh Streets. In the background, a portaloo can be seen.
A photograph of cracking in the footpath along Gayhurst Road, where the pavement has lifted in places and sunk inwards in others. A road cone has been placed on top of the uneven pavement to warn people. A portaloo can be seen in the background.
A worker watching as his colleague releases the trailer ties that are holding port-a-loos onto a trailer.
A worker unloading a port-a-loo from a trailer.
A skip and Port-a-loos outside the Cathedral Grammar Girls' Preparatory School.
A worker positioning a port-a-loo.