A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Canterbury Provincial Chambers on Durham Street. The roof and upper walls of the Stone Chamber have collapsed, the masonry falling onto the footpath below. The building has been cordoned off with wire fencing.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Avonmore House on Hereford Street. Sections of the walls have crumbled, spilling bricks and masonry onto the footpath and street below. Many of the windows have warped, breaking the glass. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the columns.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. The New Zealand Army, along with Police, were minding the cordons. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. The New Zealand Army, along with Police, were minding the cordons. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. The New Zealand Army, along with Police, were minding the cordons. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. A second hand dealer store. This is next to Penny Lane which had to relocate down the street. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. The New Zealand Army, along with Police, were minding the cordons. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Recovered masonry from the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street".
A cliff above Redcliffs. Above it is a breeze-block building with broken windows and cracks in its masonry.
A photograph of the Canterbury Times and Star building on Gloucester Street. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the door of Le Pot Au Feu and a window of O-Cha Thai. Broken glass and fallen masonry litters the footpath in front.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on Lichfield Street. Masonry from the top section of the building has broken away and spilled onto the footpath below. A red sticker has been placed on the door, indicating that the building is unsafe to enter. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the column and window to the right.
A photograph of St Luke's Church on the corner of Manchester Street and Kilmore Street. Large sections of the church have collapsed and the masonry and other rubble have spilled onto the car park. Wire fences have been placed around the side of the building as a cordon.
A photograph of a man standing inside the cordon fence which has been placed around a building on Cashel Street. Road cones have also been placed around the building and the word "Danger" has been spray-painted on the footpath in front. Fallen masonry from the building lies on the footpath in front.
A photograph of the McKenzie & Willis building on Tuam Street. Small pieces of masonry have crumbled from the pillars between the windows and fallen onto the footpath below. The front door has also shattered and broken glass has spilled onto the footpath in front. The word "clear" has been spray-painted on the bottom-storey window to the left.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Montreal and Kilmore Streets. Two chimneys have been removed from the building and placed on the footpath in front. Various pieces of fallen masonry can also be seen on the footpath. Wire fencing and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street. The tower on the right has crumbled, and the masonry has fallen to the pavement below. A car has been crushed by the fallen rubble. Windows in the tower behind are broken.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. Ascot TV. This has relocated further south on Colombo Street. Apparently their building on Cranford Street was also severely damaged. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the qu...
The September Canterbury earthquake. These pictures were taken of Colombo Street in Sydenham. A lot of masonry in this area has been damaged/fallen down. Angus Donaldson copy service. This has moved down the road on Colombo Street. It is now sharing the premises with Penny Lane Records. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the qu...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Christ Church Cathedral. Detail of south wall with damaged masonry and stained glass window".
A crumbling wall of the Cramner Courts. The wall's collapse has exposed the thick, unreinforced masonry that it is made of.
A splintered doorway in the remains of the Durham Street Methodist Church. A pile of broken masonry is sitting in front.
A house on The Spur in Clifton. Masonry has fallen down from the rock wall at the base of the building.
A bent drain pipe supporting a section of collapsed masonry on the A and T Burt building on Ferry Road in Woolston.
A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church on Durham Street. The church has almost completely collapsed and only a small section of the structure is still standing. Masonry and other rubble has spilled onto the footpath and street in front. To the right a plywood sign has been propped against the front fence. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the sign.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Canterbury Provincial Chambers Buildings on Durham Street. Large sections of the masonry have collapsed, spilling onto the road. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon. Scaffolding erected up the side of the building after the 4 September 2010 earthquake has collapsed. In the distance, a crane is parked on the street.
A corner of the Cranmer Courts on Montreal Street. The masonry has collapsed onto the footpath, bringing steel and wooden bracing with it.
Scattered masonry that has fallen from St John the Baptist Church in Latimer Square. Some of the stones have been stacked on pallets.
Damage to the Community of the Sacred Name building on Barbadoes Street. Masonry from one of the building's gables has collapsed onto the footpath.
A vehicle that was smashed by fallen masonry from the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. In the background, the broken building can be seen.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street. The tower on the right has crumbled and the masonry has fallen to the pavement below. A car has been crushed by the fallen rubble. The dome of the left tower has collapsed and the cross at the top of the building is on a lean.