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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged house in the Christchurch central city. Codes have been spray painted on the driveway as well as "No go" on the front window and door. A red sticker in the front window indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury staff Alan Hoskin, Alison McIntyre and Jess Hollis working in temporary office space set up in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. Alison and Alan continue discussing, Jess continues sagging".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An image from a Army News March 2011 photo compilation titled, "All in a Days Work". The image is captioned, "The burnt out lift well and staircase of the Canterbury Television building where 95 people are believed to have perished".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged building on Durham Street. Cracks can be been in the brickwork, as well as a pile of bricks from a damaged wall to the left. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the front window.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Temporary office space set up in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. A long view of the west end; Facilities, enrolments, student admin, then meeting areas. E-learning is the first bay to the east side of the stairs".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team in their temporary office in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. Alison McIntyre, manager of the liaison librarians, and Herbert Thomas, e-learning team leader, discussing support for teachers".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury library staff in their temporary office in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. Library staff - contacting publishers to ask for free online resources. A very high hit rate, shame they're not on commission".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A crane beside the boiler chimney in the University of Canterbury's Facilities Management yard. The photographer comments, "The University restarts its teaching, and the techies in e-learning move out of NZi3. Inspection and repairs to the University's boiler system. It's getting cooler, we'll need heat soon - but we need accessible buildings first".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A man reading a newspaper wails and sobs when he discovers that Christchurch will not be hosting any Rugby World Cup games. The newspaper is covered with real disaster news like the Japanese earthquake and potential nuclear disaster, economy problems , and 'aftershock anxiety'. Context - The Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 that have led to the decision that because of the amount of damage to the venue plus infrastructures and accommodation for visitors the Rugby World Cup will not be played in Christchurch. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The remains of Simply Catering Cafe on the corner of Salisbury and Madras Streets, which have been cordoned off by a safety fence. The business' owners have spray painted on the back wall of the building, "We'll be back". Behind the building an orange tarpaulin can be seen draped over a roof.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The remains of Simply Catering Cafe on the corner of Salisbury and Madras Streets, which have been cordoned off by a safety fence. The business' owners have spray painted on the back wall of the building, "We'll be back". Behind the building an orange tarpaulin can be seen draped over a roof.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the Student Volunteer Army walking down Fleete Street in Dallington. Many of the students are holding shovels which they will use to dig liquefaction out of residents' properties. In the background, students can be seen digging as well as piles of liquefaction already placed on the road.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the reopening of Alice in Videoland, in the back of the former Post Office on the corner of Tuam and High Streets. The redesigned space has allowed Alice in Videoland to expand from a DVD rental store to include an art-house cinema as well.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the service held in East Timor for personnel in the New Zealand and Australian Defence Force and the police. The service was held in honour of the people who lost their lives in the 22 February 2011 earthquake, as well as to acknowledge the people providing relief back in Christchurch.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

St John's Church on Winchester Street in Lyttelton. The tower has broken and crumbled, and its roof is visible on the ground to the right. Bricks and broken wood are lying in a pile on the footpath. A red sticker has been placed on the front door as well as a sign reading "No Entry". Fencing has been placed along the footpath to warn people off.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Allison, one of the heart stitchers outside the library. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Maria, one of the heart stitchers outside the library. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Felt hearts in a basket to be handed out. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the Lyttelton community who were given felt hearts. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text across the top reads 'Wearing burqas and veils could limit job prospects...' The cartoon shows a crowd of people hidden under a huge burqa-like cloth. A man peers from both ends of the crowd and one of them says 'Well, we work behind a veil and STILL have jobs... And so do all our mates!' The man at the other end gives a cheerful thumbs up. There is a great deal of whispering about 'jobs for the...' and 'split contracts'. Above is a notice that reads 'Council job contract meeting'. Context - Complaints have been laid with the Auditor-General's Office about the Christchurch City Council's handling of consultants' contracts (to do with the rebuilding of the city after the earthquakes). City councillors have been questioning the council's awarding of more than $2.8 million of contracts to consultants. The burqa has been in the news lately with bus-drivers refusing to accept women in burqas on their buses. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team, Rob Stowell, Herbert Thomas and Alan Hoskin, in their temporary office in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. Our 4-desk bay; Rob & Herbert discussing plans, Alan dealing with academic support. I've been doing Moodle admin; adding courses and users, mostly - plus occasional how-to advice".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Lyttelton Farmers Market stall holder, a member of the Lyttelton community who was given a felt heart. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the Lyttelton community stitching felt hearts in front of the library. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A member of the Lyttelton community who was given a felt heart. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A pile of rubble from a demolished building on Worcester Street. In the background, the partially demolished Warners Hotel can be seen as well as the Novotel and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Building in the distance. A digger and long-reach excavator can also be seen.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team in their temporary office in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. The e-learning corner; Alan Hoskin (learning adviser) in the foreground, some guy in a blue shirt at my desk, Rob Stowell (our video guy) arriving, Herbert Thomas (group leader), Lei Zhang (elearning developer/sysadmin)".