Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
Another salvaged house from the Bexley (Pacific Park) red zone is on the truck and may start it's journey to a new location overnight.
19 Velsheda Street, Pacific Park, Bexley is about to be trucked out.
Growing in a red zone vacant section in Wetlands Grove, Pacific Park.
Water from the river at high tide crosses Evans Avenue and enters a now abandoned "red zone" house via the garage. Next door (to the left) is the garage containing a car that was destroyed by fire last week (see earlier photos).
Community Energy Action Trust on Moorhouse Ave.
The bridge at the north end of Porritt Park, Avondale.
20100904_3326_1D3-24 Ascot TV in Sydenham - Christchurch earthquake
My house (bought in March 2004) till the government procured it in October 2012, is finally being demolished. It will be an empty section in a couple of days, once they rip up the concrete base. Note the rainbow on right.
What was one of the busier intersection pre earthquakes!
20110821_1708_1D3-280 Six months on A house in Bexley damaged in the February earthquake still looks like this six months later.
The seismic survey truck T-Rex (from University of Texas) was in Bexley and Pacific Park a few days ago and may have left this calling card on the front lawn of my old "red zone" house. Obviously the geotechs will know what it means.
A red-zone house just a few down the road from where we used to live in Velsheda Street, with bricks (brick veneer?) off and lifted prior to transporting away.
A house, one of the few still remaining in the Dallington Red Zone (Avonside Drive, Dallington). The area is "red zoned" due to land damage from earthquakes (mainly the February 22nd 2011 6.4 magnitude quake).
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
Obvious seeing why the Summit Road has been closed below Mt Cavendish since the February 22 2011 earthquake. There are some large rocks there!
Eighty years and then the damage was done. Result of the earthquake on 22/02/11.