A photograph of the back of badly-damaged buildings on High Street, taken from St Asaph Street. The old Post Office building can be seen in the distance.
A photograph of graffiti by FRAUD, PSYK and WEK on a wall in St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a camouflaged armoured vehicle on St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a camouflaged armoured vehicle on St Asaph Street.
A photograph of road works on St Asaph Street near the Canterbury Brewery.
A photograph of a badly-damaged building on St Asaph Street. The front facade has been removed and the building is surrounded by scaffolding.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The back view of the McKenzie & Willis facade, viewed from St Asaph Street. The intention is to save the facade of this building".
A photograph of the back of badly-damaged buildings on High Street, taken from behind a fence on St Asaph Street. The old Post Office building can be seen in the distance.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Dance-O-Mat, corner Manchester/St Asaph Streets, music machine built in an old washing machine".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The McKenzie & Willis Trading Store at 257 St Asaph Street".
Damaged buildings on Colombo Street, seen from the St Asaph Street intersection. The photographer comments, "This photo was taken around May this year. It's actually taken from outside the cordon on St Asaph Street, looking through the wire fence. The buildings are on Colombo Street".
Damaged buildings visible from St Asaph Street.
A demolition truck on St Asaph Street
Damaged buildings visible from St Asaph Street.
Damaged buildings visible from St Asaph Street.
A photograph of building rubble on a demolition site between St Asaph Street and Tuam Street. The old Post Office building can be seen in the distance to the left and on the right are badly-damaged High Street buildings.
A photograph looking north up Manchester Street from the intersection of St Asaph Street. Many of the buildings to the left have been damaged by the earthquakes. The rubble has since been cleared from the street.
A photograph of badly-damaged buildings on High Street, taken from St Asaph Street.
A photograph of badly-damaged buildings on High Street, taken from St Asaph Street.
A photograph of badly-damaged buildings on Manchester Street, between Tuam Street and St Asaph Street. The businesses have been cordoned off with wire fencing and many of their facades have collapsed.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
Damaged buildings on Manchester Street, seen from the St Asaph Street intersection.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
A photograph of a damaged brick building on St Asaph Street. The bricks wall of the gable has collapsed, and the bricks have fallen onto the pavement below.
A photograph of St Asaph Street, looking west.