A photograph of a children's' event run by All Right? in partnership with SKIP (Strategies with Kids | Information for Parents). All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page.
A photograph of a road cone decorated with tinsel and tied to a letterbox on Kingsford Street in Horseshoe Lake. A sign on the letterbox reads, "Merry Xmas everyone from family of 180 Kingsford St".
A PDF copy of six posters for free family events at Christchurch 2014 WORD Festival. Each poster features a quote from a young Christchurch writer, composed at the 2014 'Write Now' workshops.
A PDF copy of a print image from phase 1 of the All Right? campaign. The image reads, "Three years on... It's all right if you're feeling over it, excited, lucky, on edge or overwhelmed today." The image also includes the All Right? logo and the address of the All Right? Facebook page. The image appeared in the Family Times Christchurch Autumn 2014 edition.
A PDF copy of a presentation about the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The presentation gives a summary of research into Canterbury parents carried out by the All Right? campaign.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"You think they don't want to talk to you, but they do." - Mick, Lyttelton'.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"You think they don't want to talk to you, but they do." - Mick, Lyttelton'.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"I know I can make a difference. I'm just finding out how." - Felise, Parklands'.
A photograph of street art on the side of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. The artwork depicts images and messages in bubbles.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"Quiet times are a real treat so we're both pretty keen on drawing." - Hollie, Sumner'.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"You think they don't want to talk to you, but they do." - Mick, Lyttelton'.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"My son loves his kai so meals are a great time to catch up." - Petrina, Avonside'.
A PDF copy of a 2016-2017 bicultural calendar published by All Right? for Matariki 2016. The calendar is dated according to the Maori year, is written in both English and Te Reo, and includes photographs of whānau around Christchurch.
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts two 'All Righties' carrying a couch together. The image reads, "Shown a mate you care lately? Often the little things mean the most to our family and friends".
An image from a Navy Today April 2011 article titled, "Earthquake Hits Close to Home". The image depicts two Pukaki Offices, SLT Blair Sneddon and LT Dave Luhrs. Both offices had families in Christchurch during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A PDF copy of five postcards for the SCIRT World Buskers Festival 2014. Each postcard encouraged people to post something about the festival on Facebook to enter a prize draw for a family escape to Hanmer Springs.
An image used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Download our Tiny Adventures app!" All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 29 September 2014 at 9:52pm.
A poem written on Gap Filler and Poetica's "Instant Poetry" wall on Colombo Street. The poem reads, "A city's more than buildings, and a city's more than steeples. A city's a population, family, friends and people. I will come back, to my English rose".
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts a family of 'All Righties' sharing some kai. The image reads, "When did you last share kai with the whānau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love".
A PDF copy of an invitation to the launch of Tiny Adventures. The invitation reads, "Psst... Be a part of a Tiny Adventure! Come along for the grand unveiling of a wee Canterbury gem that's set to make a big difference to Kiwi parents".
A PDF copy of a pack of 22 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
A PDF copy of a pack of 23 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
An image used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Psst... We're giving away tiny adventures!" The image was also posted by All Right? to their Facebook page on 5 September 2014 at 7:00am.
A PDF copy of a pack of 21 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
A PDF copy of a pack of 21 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
A digital photograph in PDF format with caption. Image from the inside of a Red Zoned home in the Horseshoe Lake area. Image depicts the dining area where a poem had been written on the walls by a member of the family. Poem talks about the earthquake, living in Horseshoe Lake, and being Red Zoned and what that means.
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts an 'All Rightie' trimming a hedge accompanied by a dog. The image reads, "When did you last show a little love? It's the little things that really make a difference to our family and friends".
A PDF copy of five Tiny Adventures cards that incorporate Maori culture and language. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
A PDF copy of the front and back of a pack of Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
An PDF copy of a poster featuring Upper Riccarton resident Salote Tagicakibau. The poster quotes Tagicakibau: "My family are really supportive of me playing." The poster is from the All Right? I am ... Identity project, which sought to celebrate identity and its importance to Pacific youth and their wellbeing.