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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a print image from phase 1 of the All Right? campaign. The image reads, "Three years on... It's all right if you're feeling over it, excited, lucky, on edge or overwhelmed today." The image also includes the All Right? logo and the address of the All Right? Facebook page. The image appeared in the Family Times Christchurch Autumn 2014 edition.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Donovan Ryan (All Right?) in front of a wall of All Right? posters and holding a handful of All Right? flags. The posters and flags include simple messages beginning with, "It's All Right if..." or "It's All Right to...", which sought to normalise Cantabrians' various emotional responses to the earthquakes. Ryan and others distributed the flags at various locations around the city, enabling a 'flag hunt' for Cantabrians.