
found 116 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of cracking in the footpath along Gayhurst Road, where the pavement has lifted in places and sunk inwards in others. A road cone has been placed on top of the uneven pavement to warn people. A portaloo can be seen in the background.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a CERA billboard in a paddock in Dallington, near the Gayhurst Road bridge. The billboard heading reads, "Crown-owned land clearance in the residential red zone". Graffiti has been spray-painted over the rest of the sign.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The north end of the bridge on Gayhurst Road. During the earthquake, the bridge was forced about 15 centimetres towards the river, the land falling away under the road. Fencing has been placed around the footpath, and the road filled and resealed so that it can still be used by traffic.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign outside St Paul's Parish on Gayhurst Road. The sign reads, "St Paul's Parish Mass, Sunday 10am, Marian College Hall, North Parade". The church was damaged during the 4 September earthquake. Tape can be seen around the building in the background.