
found 124 results

Images, Canterbury Museum

One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 19 November 2011 showing part of the north side of London Street. The properties visible from left to right are Lyttel Piko Organic and Wholefoods, and Satchmo Café Pizzabar The Lyttelton streetscape has changed dramatically from its pre-earthquake appearance and will continue to change as new bu...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 19 November 2011 showing a poster advertising the planned 2011 Census which was scheduled for Tuesday 8 March 2011. The census was abandoned because of the 22 February 2011 Earthquake. The poster was located in the window of the Lyttelton Information Centre on Oxford Street. The building was closed...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 showing the southern cliffs of Godley Head, taken from the middle of the shipping channel. Some earthquake damage to the cliffs is visible. There were several major rock falls along the coastal cliffs near Christchurch and Lyttelton Harbour. At Godley Head these caused damage to the ...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 27 May 2013 of London Street in Lyttelton. Taken from Sumner Road looking west across the intersection of London and Oxford Streets. The photograph shows several empty sections and the remaining buildings. The Lyttelton streetscape has changed dramatically from its pre-earthquake appearance and w...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph is taken looking south from the site of the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker to the site of the Anglican Church of the Most Holy Trinity. Visible are the removed top of the bell tower and porch. The damaged vicarage is at the weste...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One brown cardboard box which contained a dozen bottles of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The Three Boys logo and name features in black printing on each side with 12x500ml printed on long sides. A dark green sticker with white writing, which also appears on the bottles, is attached to the top leaf. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brew...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 19 November 2011 showing part of the north side of London Street. The properties visible in the photograph are (from left to right) Tommy Changs Café, Canterbury Street, site of theatre erected for the Loons Circus Theatre Company production of Macbeth (being dismantled), Lyttel Arthouse (closed),...