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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A digital photograph in PDF format with caption. A Horseshoe Lake resident emptying chemical toilet into waste tank that sits on the side of the road (Kingsford St).

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBFs) are a widely used seismic resisting structural steel system. Since their inception in the late 1970s, they have been a viable option with an available stiffness that is between simple braced systems and moment resisting systems. A similar concept, the linked column frame (LCF), uses shear links between two closely spaced columns. In both cases, the key component is the active link or the shear link, and this component is the objective of this study. The performance of high rise EBF buildings in the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes was beyond that which was expected, especially considering the very high accelerations recorded. As the concrete high-rises were torn down, two EBF buildings remained standing and only required some structural repair. These events prompted a renewed interest in bolted shear links, as well as their performance. While some research into replaceable shear links had already been done (Mansour, 2011), the objectives of this study were to improve on the shear link itself, with the consideration that links built in the future are likely to be bolted. The main components of this study were to: 1. Reduce or eliminate the requirements for intermediate web stiffeners, as they were suspected of being detrimental to performance. Furthermore, any reduction in stiffening requirements is a direct fabrication cost saving. Links with low web aspect ratios were found to achieve exceptional ductilities when no stiffeners were included, prompting new design equations. 2. Ensure that the stresses in the ends of links are adequately transferred into the endplates without causing fractures. Although most of the experimental links had web doubler plates included, four had varied lengths of such doubler plates from 0.0 in. to 8.0 in. The link without any doubler plates performed to a similar level to its peers, and thus it is likely that links with quality end details may not need web doubler plates at all. 3. Evaluate the performance of a link with double sided stiffeners without the use of web welds, as opposed to conventional single sided, welded stiffeners. This link performed well, and web-weld-less double sided stiffeners may be an economical alternative to conventional stiffeners for deeper sections of links. 4. Evaluate the performance of a link with thin endplates that are made efficient with the use of gusset plates. This link performed to an acceptable level and provides evidence for a cost effective alternative to thick endplates, especially considering the high overstrength end moments in links, typically requiring 16-bolt connections. 5. Examine the potential use of an alternative EBF arrangement where the collector beam is over sized, and the link section is formed by cutting out parts of the beam's web. After running a series of finite element models each with a unique variation, a number of approximate design rules were derived such that future research could develop this idea further experimentally. 6. Ensure that during testing, the secondary elements (members that are not the shear link), do not yield and are not close to yielding. None of the instrumented elements experienced any unexpected yielding, however the concerns for high stresses in the collector beam panel zone during design were warranted. The use of an existing New Zealand design equation is recommended as an extra check for design codes worldwide. The above objectives were mainly conducted experimentally, except: the data set for item 1 was greatly expanded through the use of a calibrated numerical model which was then used in an extensive parametric study; item 5 was purely finite element based; and, a small parametric study was included for item 3 in an attempt to expand on the trends found there.

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

<b>Aotearoa has undoubtedly some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, a privilege for its inhabitants. However, as our cities have developed post-colonisation, the connection between the natural environment and its occupants has diminished. Designers play a vital role within an ever evolving world to progress the built environment in a way that reflects and restores vital values that have been deprioritised. Future practice should prioritise diversity, care for the land, enhancement of community space, and sustainable practices.</b> This research sets out to demonstrate that new design methodologies can encourage kaitiakitanga, whilst meeting the needs of urban public space. Initially through critical analysis and literature based research, a study of Ōtautahi Christchurch, the South Island’s largest city, was undertaken. The principles of a ‘15 minute city’ were also explored and applied to the city, establishing issues within the built environment that drove the overall research direction. Through the tools of critical reflection and a research through design methodology, a design toolkit was constructed. This toolkit sets out to provide designers with a simple streamlined method of developing urban interventions that are sustainable and beneficial for human well-being. The toolkit incorporates an abstraction of the ‘15 minute city’ ideology and introduces the concepts of evolving green transportation routes within cities. Ōtautahi Christchurch, a city with a significant history of earthquake-caused damage, was chosen as the primary site for the application of this research’s proposed toolkit. The city becomes a canvas for an urban rebuild that explores and aims to set a precedent for a progressive 21st-century city. A key finding as the toolkit research developed was the idea of a ‘temporary’ phase or intervention, being added to traditional design methodologies prior to permanent building. The research explains how this temporary phase could more actively engage diverse user groups and create active conversations between communities and designers. The refined toolkit sets outs proposed timeline phases, methods of site analysis and development of design drivers. Alongside this, a modular architectural system establishes a design proposal for the temporary phase of an individual site within an evolving green route. This outcome provides further opportunity for realistic testing, which would actively involve communities and aims to shift our priorities within urban development. The introduction of the ‘temporary’ phase is beneficial in mitigating psychological implications on people and limiting physical impacts on the landscape. The final design stage of the thesis applied the toolkit process to three sites in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Through a holistic lens, the toolkit framework set out methods to collate information that provides guidance for development on the sites. While some layers are initiated simply by recognising site characteristics, others are informed through software such as GIS. Connected by a proposed green transport route, the three initial sites are developed with temporary interventions that utilise the modular design set out previously in the research. Contextualising the interventions on real world sites tested the flexibility of the system and allowed for critical reflection on the applicability of the toolkit to Aotearoa. The research concludes by identifying future research opportunities and speculates on possible applications of its findings within the real world. Temporary Permanence highlights the significant role that we, as designers, have in shifting urban priorities to create more holistic, sustainable, and inclusive cities for people and the planet.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The policing of building safety systems is being cut back nationwide. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is reducing its monitoring of the building warrants of fitness scheme that covers 16 crucial safety systems including fire measures. This coincides with it having to do more checks on what councils are doing regarding fences around pools and earthquake-prone buildings. The cutback is despite ministry reviews which show many councils do little to audit the building warrants they issue. An inspector of building safety systems and adviser on warrants, Charlie Loughnan of Canterbury, told our reporter Phil Pennington that less monitoring is not a good idea.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Over the summer on The Weekend we've been talking to recyclers and upcyclers, people who like the Wombles, are making good use of the things that they find, things that the everyday folks leave behind. This is true of Christchurch builder, artist and furniture maker, Tim McGurk. He says he works with whatever junk and materials he can find. Tim crafted several items from the materials salvaged from an earthquake damaged Christchurch house, as part of the Whole House Reuse project. He also made the news when he made a Star Wars inspired X-wing sculpture/lamp out of salvaged rimu.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Some Canterbury homeowners are worried that missed earthquake damage to concrete slabs could result in another big bill for the taxpayer. This comes only weeks after EQC told Checkpoint that the cost of mis-scoped damage or defective repairs following the Canterbury earthquakes could cost up to $1 billion. This includes $450 million for botched repairs, including badly repaired rubble ring foundations, and $300 million for an ex gratia payment to about 1000 over-cap onsold homeowners. But some Canterbury homeowners who bought after the earthquakes - and did their due diligence - are only discovering damage to their concrete slab foundations now. Logan Church reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Instead of concentrating on the buildings destroyed in and after the earthquakes in Christchurch's CBD, a new event is enticing people back to explore the heritage buildings that have survived. A new organisation, Te Putahi, is behind the Open Christchurch programme that celebrates the city's surviving architecture, starting with inner-city schools throwing open their doors to the public. Architectural historian and co-founder of Te Putahi, Dr Jessica Halliday tells Lynn Freeman they hope to encourage discussion around well-designed spaces and their impacts on peoples' lives. Open Christchurch starts next Sunday with a tour of The Cathedral Grammar Junior School.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Leanne Crozier, Director of Decipher Group Ltd, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Deciphering Employment Trends in Post-quakes Canterbury and Tapping Top Talent in the Pursuit of Innovation".The abstract for the presentation reads, "Highlighting employment opportunities that have emerged as a result of the rebuild and uncovering trends that will endure over the long term."

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Paul Millar, associate professor at Canterbury University, is concerned that future generations won't have access to the full picture of the Canterbury earthquakes, so he got the CEISMIC Project under way. The project is an archive of earthquake-related digital material and includes resources from the National Library, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Christchurch City Libraries, Te Papa, NZ On Screen, the Canterbury Museum and the Ngai Tahu Research Centre. Paul says the aim is to document the impact of the disaster and the process of recovery, and make all that material available for free.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph belonging to University of Canterbury alumnus Colin Lau. Colin describes the photograph as follows: "A shot of the float of a parade in the downtown area. I could still recognize some of the faces of my friends on the left taking in the sight and sound of the day. I do not quite recall the date of that parade; it has to be around the early 70's." Colin notes that the photograph may depict the 1971 'University Graduation Day' parade.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Dried liquefaction silt in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "This is the result of liquefaction which spewed out after the double earthquake in Christchurch. Having flowed into a shallow depression that was deep enough for a fair quantity of the silty liquid to settle and separate: the heavy sand below and a talcum powder like substance on top. Some of these are so delicate that a mouse crossing them would probably crack them. Here the sun has dried them out and they have contracted and curled up towards their centres".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a shop window. A vase is visible in the window, and the sillhouette of a mannequin in the background. The photographer comments, "The title came from the pot and the E on the window. This is a building that has been off limits since the Christchurch earthquake. The E was sprayed on the window by rescue teams after searching the building and finding it was empty. This is a very old wooden building that looks OK from the front, but terrible from the side as the previously adjoined building has been demolished.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A post on the NZ Raw blog written by Mark Lincoln on 24 February 2011. Mark says, "I think this is the first post I wrote after the Feb 2011 earthquake. That first photo was my first view after coming out of the office. There's a popular wide panoramic photo that someone took from the Port Hills of all of the dust rising up from the city - the photo in the blog post shows what it looked like from within the dust cloud! There are people gathering further down the street where a building has collapsed".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a letter from Hugo Kristinsson which was sent to Niels Holm, Official Secretary to the Governor General, on 12 August 2014. The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch. It thanks Holm for his response to the letter Empowered Christchurch sent to the Governor General and expresses their disappointment that they have not recieved a response from the Governor General. Kristinsson also expresses his disappointment that the Governor General has not forwarded a letter sent by the Queen 'to the relevant minister'.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. First few modules in place".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. Modules ready to be pinned together".