A power pole on River Road is on a lean, stretching the power lines taut. Two lines have broken and are hanging from the pole. The photographer comments, "Power poles stretched wires to breaking point".
Liquefaction and flooding on Avonside Drive. The street is closed off with cones and a "Road closed" sign, and portaloos line the street. The banks of the Avon River have been built up with gravel.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Avon Loop. Holiday Inn hotel at centre left. Oxford Terrace to the left of the Avon and Cambridge Terrace to the right of the Avon. Barbadoes Street Cemetery top and right".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Avon Loop. Holiday Inn hotel at top left. Oxford Terrace to the left of the Avon and Cambridge Terrace to the right of the Avon. Barbadoes Street Cemetery at top right".
A photograph of the Christchurch-Seattle Sister City sculpture on Cambridge Terrace.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The rowing clubs at Kerr's Reach".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Avonside".
A group of residents stand on River Road in Richmond. The road is badly cracked and buckled, and bas been partly blocked off with road cones and warning tape. The photographer comments, "Neighbours discussing the situation".
Erosion scarp along North New Brighton Beach.
Damaged road around the Avon-Heathcote Estuary.
Infrastructure damage in Lyttelton.
Erosion scarp along North New Brighton Beach.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Liquefaction flooding in Travis Country.
Erosion scarp along North New Brighton Beach.
Damaged road around the Avon-Heathcote Estuary.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Rock falls in redcliffs.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Rock falls in redcliffs.
Rock falls in redcliffs.
New Bridge in Ferrymead.
Old damaged bridge in Ferrymead next to the new one.
Infrastructure damage in Lyttelton.
Damaged footpath in Lyttelton.
Infrastructure damage in Lyttelton.
Infrastructure damage in Lyttelton.
Collapse of Shag Rock.
Infrastructure damage in Lyttelton.