Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Bunny babes: In a magical Avon Loop property a bunny stranger appeared after the September earthquake, and then there were heaps more. At back, on the garden seat from left: Grace Stedman (5), Lili Belton-Ilarri (7), Sophia Stedman (12) and Asher Scully (5). On the ground from left: Inaki Belton, Arlo Stedman and Lilli Scully".
The west-side of the Arts Centre along Rolleston Avenue near the entrance to the Botanic Gardens. Wire fencing and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon. To the left, a crane is parked next to the building. The spire has been removed and braced on the footpath to limit damage.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Laura and Angus Chisholm pictured at their property off Harewood Road. Ironically their property was seriously damaged by a boy racer who careered off the road and smashed through their garden fence and hit the front of the house knocking part of it off its foundations".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Laura and Angus Chisholm pictured at their property off Harewood Road. Ironically their property was seriously damaged by a boy racer who careered off the road and smashed through their garden fence and hit the front of the house knocking part of it off its foundations".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Laura and Angus Chisholm pictured at their property off Harewood Road. Ironically their property was seriously damaged by a boy racer who careered off the road and smashed through their garden fence and hit the front of the house knocking part of it off its foundations".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Laura and Angus Chisholm pictured at their property off Harewood Road. Ironically their property was seriously damaged by a boy racer who careered off the road and smashed through their garden fence and hit the front of the house knocking part of it off its foundations".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch begins the slow recovery process after last weeks devastating 7.1 earthquake. Laura and Angus Chisholm pictured at their property off Harewood Road. Ironically their property was seriously damaged by a boy racer who careered off the road and smashed through their garden fence and hit the front of the house knocking part of it off its foundations".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 13 May 2011 looking northwest from the Gaol Steps. In the foreground is the edge of the Lyttelton Rose Garden, the safety fencing around the Upham Clock is visible. Below this is the intersection of Winchester and Oxford Streets. Prominent in the mid ground are the Catholic Church of St Joseph the...
A Christchurch man wants to let his home. He stands in a fissure in the garden and tells a man with a large dog who is interested in renting 'Sorry, no dogs! They dig too many holes!' Context: Post earthquake Christchurch tries to return to normal. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A tribute taped to a window of a house on Tasman Place. The tribute reads, "Our red zoned house. When we bought you years ago, you looked a bit tired and sad, but overall you weren't too bad. We spruced you up with paint and love and asked for a blessing from above. The years went by, family and friends celebrations under your roof, your 'veggie' garden gave us kai. We felt safe within your wall, then one dreadful September night, the shaking earth made you fall. You tried with all your groaning might to keep us from harm. Because you were strongly built we held onto the door, while a wave of terror buckled the floor and outside the garden flooded with silt. Now you are near the end, sunken walls and windows bend. We say goodbye today and let you go, Our spirit and heart feels low. You are more than just mortar and brick. For us you were a gift, a safe haven where we once lived".
Text across the top of the cartoon reads 'You know you live in Christchurch when...' Six cameos follow reading 'You can stir a cup of coffee without a spoon' - a cup of coffee is shaken; 'after 30 years you finally know your neighbours' - a group of people get to know one another; 'the latest fitness craze is sandba' - a couple shovel a heap of liquefaction to music from their transistor; 'everyone gets to drive a slalom' - someone weaves along a road avoiding cracks and mud in their car; 'there's a craze in "unique garden features"' - a longdrop has been dug in the garden; and lastly 'you have tea under a doorframe' - a couple eats and drinks under a doorframe for safety. Context - the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011. Published in The Press Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has not been mowed and one of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted. There is also a sign in the window to the left, depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made the sign for Duff".
A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has not been mowed and one of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted. There is also a sign in the window to the left, depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made the sign for Duff".
A photograph of a tape artwork depicting flowers growing in a garden. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.
A photograph of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. Allfrey has placed a sign in the garden which reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".
A photograph of the earthquake-damaged to a house in Christchurch. The far wall has collapsed and many of the concrete blocks have spilled into the garden in front. Emergency tape has been draped in front of the wall as a cordon. A red sticker has also been stuck on the furthest window, indicating that the house is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of a house on Glenarm Terrace in Dallington. The chimney fell off the roof during the September earthquake and the bricks are still lying on the ground. A tarpaulin has been placed over the top of the hole to prevent water damage inside the house. Ironically, it has been weighed down with bricks. Spring flowers can be seen in the garden.
A photograph of a tape artist with her creation - two daisies in a garden. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.
Furniture spray-painted with drawings and words by members of the public as part of the Words of Hope project. Messages can be seen, such as, "Hope", "Something for everyone", "Equality street", "Food garden", "Opportunity from disaster", "We can do this Chch", "Chch = home", "Love", "Share the land", "Always time for change", "Life is beautiful", and "Sorry folks, this one is too much high rise!".
A photograph of a sign in the garden of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. The sign reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".
From the time it opened in the 1920s, the Winter Garden ballroom was the place to go for debutante balls and big-band concerts in Christchurch. Queen Elizabeth II even dined there during her visit in 1954. But this special part of Christchurch's history is over and the Armagh Street building has been placed on the urgent demolition list because of earthquake damage. Tiny Kirk is the chairman of the Trade Union Centre which has owned the building since 1984.
Topics - Eight days on from the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that killed at least 161 people in Christchurch, officials have announced that the rescue effort will now transition to a recovery operation. Dunedin shares the nation's sorrow for Christchurch - but the ODT reports today that it could also benefit from an influx of workers and businesses relocating from the Garden City. Some Christchurch landlords have been labelled opportunistic vultures for ramping up rents for homeless businesses trying to find temporary office space.
Damage to a house in Richmond. The foundation is all that remains of one room, and the exposed interior wall has been covered with builders' paper for protection. Weeds grow between cracks in the concrete patio. The photographer comments, "Revisiting our abandoned house. Cracked patio. The wooden floor is all that remains of a sunny living space with bifold doors, opening the house to the garden. This was so broken on 4/9/10 that it was immediately demolished".
Christchurch remembers six years on from the deadly earthquake. What panelists Ali Jones and James Nokise have been up to. John Gray from the Home Owners and Buyers Association believes the mayor is getting advice from self interest groups looking to shift the focus from their own shortcomings. Police in Hawkes Bay discovered 300 stolen garden gnomes with a growing trend to sell them on to fund meth purchases. Pie eating goalie in the UK has resigned for taking part in the bet that he would eat a pie during his team's match.
A photograph of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. A green sticker on the front door indicates that the house has been inspected and is safe to enter. A sign in the garden reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".
An aerial photograph looking west over the Arts Centre and Christ's College towards Hagley Park. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "At the centre of this photo is a group of heritage stone buildings. Canterbury Museum and Christ's College were extensively earthquake strengthened prior to the EQs and re-opened to the public relatively quickly. The Arts Centre is undergoing extensive renovations. Hagley Park and the Botanic Gardens provide a richly colourful surrounding to these historic buildings".
A large hole surrounded by liquefaction silt in the garden of a house in Bexley. The photographer comments, "This was most probably the serious hole I saw today. Can you imagine that when this occurred the whole area would have been inches deep in brown water. You would not been able to tell what you were walking on. Back in February a little girl rode her bike into one of these and had to be rescued by a passer by".
A woman says to a builder 'Christchurch people will really appreciate your help to rebuild - What you construct looks like it's already been hit by an earthquake'. They are standing in front of a very shoddily-built cottage and the garden is festooned with litter. Context - After the Christchurch earthquakes there is a huge emphasis on fast rebuilding with the potential for below standard results.. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Blue Lagoon Drive in Brooklands. The whole of this street is red zoned land. Some of the homeowners are unhappy with the land zoning as they believe that their area has much less impact from liquefaction than other red zoned areas. Some of the street lights are leaning, but the road seems in very good condition for a red zoned street and there is little evidence of liquefaction. Most red zoned streets have none of their original surface left, and the liquefaction is evident on all the verges and gardens".
A notice on the cordon fence around the site where the CTV building once was. It says 'Please respect this site. In recognition of the special significance this site holds for the people of our city and all those affect by the earthquakes, the Christchurch City Council is working with Canterbury Museum to preserve aspects of our remembering. Tributes may be left at this site. Older tributes will be removed from archiving by the Canterbury Museum to become part of the city's memory of the Canterbury Earthquakes. Organic materials will be composted and used in the city's gardens'.