An image commemorating the 22 February earthquake, which reads, "Three years on... It's all right to be excited about our future." The image was created for Facebook users from Canterbury to use as a Facebook cover photo. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 7 February 2014 at 9:19am and used the image as a cover photo on 18 February 2014 and 1 March 2014.
An image commemorating the 22 February earthquake, which reads, "Three years on... It's all right to talk about it." The image was created for Facebook users from Canterbury to use as a Facebook cover photo. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 7 February 2014 at 9:19am and used the image as a cover photo on 12 February 2014 and 1 May 2014.
A photograph of a bow made out of curtains pinned to Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. In the background, the house has been covered in plastic sheeting. The photographer comments, "The bow is a memorial to Murphy's living room and her life in the house".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Peter Majendie, in the middle of his installation '185 Empty Chairs', which remembers the 185 who died as a result of the 22nd February earthquake. The chairs are different so that you can find a chair to remind you in some way of the people who died. Peter told me about the important paintings of chairs, such as Van Gogh and Gaugin's paintings of chairs and the drawing of Dickens's Chair published above his obituary that influenced his decision to remember the lost lives with chairs".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A poem at Peter Majendie's installation '185 Empty Chairs', which remembers the 185 who died as a result of the 22nd February earthquake. The site is the demolition site of the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Peter Majendie's installation '185 Empty Chairs', which remembers the 185 who died as a result of the 22nd February earthquake. The site is the demolition site of the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church".
Page 5 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Tuesday 21 February 2012.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. Central plinth. Inscription reads: "Etched in our City’s memory, never to be forgotten. The City of Christchurch" in Spanish. File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_026.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. Central plinth. Inscription reads: "Etched in our City’s memory, never to be forgotten. The City of Christchurch". File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_027.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_020.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_025.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_024.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Avonhead Park Cemetery Interment Site. Central plinth. Inscription reads: "Etched in our City’s memory, never to be forgotten. The City of Christchurch" in Filipino. File reference: CCL-2012-02-27-AvonheadParkCemeteryIntermentSite-February-2012 DSC_028.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Today was the first time I have been to the earthquake memorial since it was completed and opened on 22nd February 2017, six years after the devastating quake that killed the 185 that are named on this wall. I knew two of the people on the list.
Christchurch residents will gather today to mark the 10 year anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake. Large crowds are expected from half past twelve this afternoon on the lawn just across the river from the memorial wall where a service begin at 12.30. Among those speaking is the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern. A message from former mayor, Sir Bob Parker, will be also read out. The names of the 185 who died will be read before a minute's silence at twelve fifty one, the exact moment the quake struck. Flowers will then be laid at the memorial wall. This is where our coverage began .A warning this is confronting audio of events that day.
A video showing members of the SPCA standing for two minutes in silence a week after the 22 February 2011 earthquake, in memory of those who lost their lives. A pigeon, found in the ChristChurch Cathedral after the quakes, is released at the end of the two-minutes' silence.
Page 11 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Saturday 21 December 2013.
Page 5 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Tuesday 10 December 2013.
Page 11 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Wednesday 4 December 2013.
Personnel from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the Singapore Army, the New Zealand Police, the New Zealand Urban Search and Recue Team, and St John, paying their respects to the people who lost their lives during the 22 February 2011 earthquake at a memorial of flowers in Cathedral Square.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Decorative flowers on the Bridge of Rembrance cordon with the Hotel Grand Chancellor and the Westpac building in the distance".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Peter Majendie's installation '185 Empty Chairs', which remembers the 185 who died as a result of the 22nd February earthquake. The site is the demolition site of the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church".
A PDF copy of pages 54-55 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'River of Flowers - Te Waitohi Maumahara'. Page 54 photographs: Healthy Chch. Page 55 photograph: Mike Moss.
Page 7 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 3 September 2012.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Lyttelton Cenotaph on Simeon Quay. Designer The New Zealand Flag at the Lyttelton War Memorial, along with those around the country, flew at half mast for several days following the 22 February 2011 earthquakes. Following further aftershocks the Cenota...
A photograph submitted by Bettina Evans to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "A memorial blanket in creation, depicting some of the buildings lost in the earthquake in Lyttelton. Dozens of people are helping with the sewing – this is a follow on from the heart stitching which happened spontaneously in Lyttelton on London street after the February earthquake.".
A photograph of Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. The front walls has been covered with plastic sheeting. A bow made out of curtains has been pinned to the plastic where the fireplace juts out from the wall. The photographer comments, "The bow is a memorial to Murphy's living room and her life in the house".
A photograph of Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. The front walls has been covered with plastic sheeting. A bow made out of curtains has been pinned to the plastic where the fireplace juts out from the wall. The photographer comments, "The bow is a memorial to Murphy's living room and her life in the house".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 12 March 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Lyttelton Cenotaph on Simeon Quay. The unstable top of the memorial has been deconstructed and is visible on the surrounding grass, a plastic tarpaulin has been used to cover the top of the newly exposed stonework and a temporary fence has been erecte...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Packing up parts of the Cathedral for storage. Remains of Warners Hotel in the background".