An aerial photograph of Holly Lea and Saint Mary's Catholic Church on Manchester Street.
An aerial photograph of a residential area in Halswell.
An aerial photograph looking across Burwood to the Travis Wetlands and Bottle Lake Reserve.
An aerial photograph of Kingsford Street and Viscount Place in the Horseshoe Lake area, Burwood.
An aerial photograph of the Preston Downs development in West Melton.
An aerial photograph looking north-west over the Christchurch CBD from Barbadoes Street.
An aerial photograph of the Waimari Beach Golf Course in Waimari Beach.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Temporary housing village, Rawhiti Domain".
An aerial photograph looking north-west over Manchester Street in the Christchurch CBD.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking south-east along High Street towards CPIT".
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cashel Mall and Colombo Street".
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Intersection of Colombo and Brougham Streets".
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Town Hall and Convention Centre".
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Avonside Girls High School. Woodham Road left to right".
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Hereford Street bridge (centre)".
An aerial photograph of the Westpac Trust building on High Street and surrounding buildings.
An aerial photograph of Victoria Street from the Peterborough Street intersection to Bealey Avenue.
An aerial photograph of the Re:Start Mall.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "CBD".
An aerial photograph of Cathedral Square with the sites of demolished buildings visible.
An aerial photograph of Jean Batten Place in the Horseshoe Lake residential area.
An aerial photograph of Avonside Girls High School.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "High and Lichfield Street intersection".
An aerial photograph of the Re:Start Mall.
An aerial photograph of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
An aerial photograph of the Horseshoe Lake residential area in Burwood.
An aerial photograph of central Kaiapoi with the New World supermarket in the centre.
An aerial photograph of Manning Intermediate School, Hillmorton High School, and Spreydon School in Hoon Hay.
An aerial photograph of a residential area in Prebbleton.
Aerial image of Sumner taken by the Royal New Zealand Air Force for the Earthquake Commission.