A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team descending the stairs in the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Pieces of plaster and paint have crumbled from the walls.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the back of a building on Madras Street. The outer walls of the building have collapsed and the bricks and other rubble have spilled onto the car park.
A photograph of the Copthorne Hotel on the corner of Kilmore and Durham Streets. Tape has been draped around the footpath in front of the building. A member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team is walking through the intersection below.
A photograph of a block of earthquake-damaged buildings on Manchester Street. The outer wall of the second storey has collapsed, the bricks and other rubble spilling onto the footpath. Several cars have been crushed by the falling rubble.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team meeting outside the Christchurch Art Gallery.
A photograph of toppled scaffolding outside a block of buildings on Manchester Street. In the background an excavator is sitting on top of a pile of rubble while it demolishes one of the buildings.
A photograph of the Forsyth Barr Building on the corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets. The photograph was taken out a window of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Building. Below a crane has been parked on the intersection of Armagh and Colombo Streets.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on the front doors of several businesses on Armagh Street.
A photograph of a map used by emergency management personnel to inspect buildings after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The map is of the block bordered by Barbadoes Street, Worcester Street, Gloucester Street, and Fitzgerald Avenue. Many of the buildings have been highlighted in blue, with some smaller buildings highlighted in orange. Two blocks of buildings have been outlined in dark-blue felt-tip pen. Numbers and messages have been written on the map with biro.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team inside the Craigs Investment Partners House on Armagh Street. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Kenton Chambers on Hereford Street. The bottom right section of the building has collapsed, the bricks and other rubble spilling onto the footpath below. Large cracks have formed between the windows of the building.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in the hall of the Rimu Park Scout Camp. Stretchers and clothes lines have been set up in the hall for the team to use.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Knox Church on the corner of Bealey Avenue and Victoria Street. The brick walls of the gables have collapsed, exposing the building's wooden frame and the inside of the building. Wire fences and emergency tape have been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of collapsed scaffolding outside a building on Manchester Street.
A photograph of emergency management personnel standing on the intersection of Worcester Street and Latimer Square. To the left and right, tents have been set up on the road. Wire fencing has been placed around Latimer Square as a cordon.
A photograph of a crane parked in front of the earthquake-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral. The tower of the Cathedral has been partially demolished and a pile of rubble is sitting in front.
A photograph of a large crack in between two windows of St Elmo Courts on the corner of Montreal and Hereford Street.
A photograph of emergency management personnel crossing the intersection between Colombo and Hereford Streets. Paving stones have lifted from the corner of the streets in the background.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in the hall of the Rimu Park Scout Camp. Stretchers and clothes lines have been set up in the hall for the team to use.
A photograph looking east down Dundas Street. Piles of twisted steel reinforcement have been placed on both sides of the street. Several earthquake-damaged cars, recovered from the Smiths City car park, have been stacked on the left. On the other side of the street is an excavator grapple and bucket. In the distance two excavators are sorting through the rubble.
A photograph of a room in the PricewaterhouseCoopers Building on Armagh Street. Sections of the concrete beam above the window have crumbled and the pieces of concrete have fallen onto the desk and floor below.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on the corner of Armagh and Barbadoes Streets. The outer walls of the building have collapsed and the bricks have spilled onto the footpath and road below. Steel and wire fences have been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team inside an office. In the foreground, the drawers of filing cabinets have opened. Files and posters litter the ground. The coverings over the lights have shaken loose, and one is hanging just behind the ERT member.
A photograph looking south down Colombo Street from the intersection of Gloucester Street. In the distance a crane is hanging over Cathedral Square. Below the crane is a pile of rubble from the partially-demolished tower of ChristChurch Cathedral. To the right is a smaller crane and a steel structure which will be used to brace the front of the Cathedral.
A photograph of earthquake damage to the ChristChurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square. The tower has been partially demolished and a pile of rubble sits in front. A Daniel Smith Industries Ltd crane is sitting to the left.
A photograph of a map used by emergency management personnel to inspect buildings after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The block between St Asaph, Antigua, Montreal, and Acton Street has been outlined with a red felt-tip pen. Some of the buildings in the block and below Acton Streets have been coloured orange. A few other buildings have been coloured blue.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the windows of Munn's the Man store on Armagh Street. The windows have smashed, the glass scattering over the footpath in front.
A photograph of members of Urban Search and Rescue teams eating lunch in Latimer Square.
A photograph of an alleyway between Gloucester Street and Cathedral Square. There is a pile of rubble near the end of the alleyway, fallen from the earthquake-damaged Base Backpackers building, behind the former Canterbury Times building on Gloucester Street. Scaffolding has also been constructed up the side of Base Backpackers.
A photograph of road works on St Asaph Street near the Canterbury Brewery.