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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the public speaking with police officers on the corner of Durham Street and Armagh Street in the aftermath of the 22 February earthquake. On the right the timber section of the historic Provincial Council Chambers can be seen, including the clock tower which has collapsed onto the road. Armagh Street leading into the city has been cordoned off by red tape.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An image of a red balloons, which reads, "Find your hidden strengths. Take the free quiz." The image promotes the All Right? Hidden Strengths project, which encouraged people to take and share a VIA personality survey. The balloons represent the strength of teamwork, as illustrated by a stop motion video All Right? released for the Hidden Strengths project.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

St John's Presbyterian Church on Winchester Street in Lyttelton. The ground around the church has been strewn with masonry from the church's walls and collapsed tower. The building's front door has been red-stickered and a sign that reads "No entry" is stuck to it. The spire of the collapsed tower has fallen in front of the church, which has been enclosed by a safety fence.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a map of Christchurch in a temporary Civil Defence headquarters set up at the Mainland Foundation Ballpark after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Red, green and blue markings on the map indicate where flooding, sand and closures are located. Post-it notes and a key with a tag reading, "Manchester" are attached to the map.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to a house on Woodham Road. The bottom storey of the house has crumbled, bringing the top storey to the ground. A large pile of bricks and two bay windows now lie beneath the top storey. A red sticker on one of the bay windows indicates that the house is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A powhiri performed by Ngai Tahu elders to welcome workers of the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT). Mayor Bob Parker is standing to the right. Reverend Peter Beck and Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee are also present. The ceremony was held in Burwood Park.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The intersection of Colombo and Gloucester Streets, looking south down Colombo Street towards Cathedral Square. The soldiers are staffing the cordon as this is the main way through from one half of the central city red zone to the other half, which is now bisected by Gloucester Street".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged car sits on top of the rubble of the Bealey Pharmacy. The photographer comments, "Bealey Avenue is open to traffic, as are many of the side streets, and the damage to buildings along this street is quite impressive and perhaps just a small taste of the damage that lies beyond the cordon ... A new feature now also appears to be a large pile of rubble with a new looking red Holden placed on top. Weird".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of several earthquake-damaged and partially-demolished buildings on Manchester Street near the intersection of Lichfield Street. To the right two emergency management personnel are taking photographs from the intersection. On the other side of the intersection there are several chairs, tables, and a couch under a red umbrella. Another member of an emergency management team is sitting on the couch.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged car sits on top of the rubble of the Bealey Pharmacy. The photographer comments, "Bealey Avenue is open to traffic, as are many of the side streets, and the damage to buildings along this street is quite impressive and perhaps just a small taste of the damage that lies beyond the cordon ... A new feature now also appears to be a large pile of rubble with a new looking red Holden placed on top. Weird".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged car sits on top of the rubble of the Bealey Pharmacy. The photographer comments, "Bealey Avenue is open to traffic, as are many of the side streets, and the damage to buildings along this street is quite impressive and perhaps just a small taste of the damage that lies beyond the cordon ... A new feature now also appears to be a large pile of rubble with a new looking red Holden placed on top. Weird".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged car sits on top of the rubble of the Bealey Pharmacy. The photographer comments, "Bealey Avenue is open to traffic, as are many of the side streets, and the damage to buildings along this street is quite impressive and perhaps just a small taste of the damage that lies beyond the cordon ... A new feature now also appears to be a large pile of rubble with a new looking red Holden placed on top. Weird".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged car sits on top of the rubble of the Bealey Pharmacy. The photographer comments, "Bealey Avenue is open to traffic, as are many of the side streets, and the damage to buildings along this street is quite impressive and perhaps just a small taste of the damage that lies beyond the cordon ... A new feature now also appears to be a large pile of rubble with a new looking red Holden placed on top. Weird".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged car sits on top of the rubble of the Bealey Pharmacy. The photographer comments, "Bealey Avenue is open to traffic, as are many of the side streets, and the damage to buildings along this street is quite impressive and perhaps just a small taste of the damage that lies beyond the cordon ... A new feature now also appears to be a large pile of rubble with a new looking red Holden placed on top. Weird".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a media release by All Right? titled 'Flower bombing shows Christchurch a little love'. The media release discusses All Right?'s 'Flower Bombing' project, including the recipients, responses, supporters of the project, and quotes from Sue Turner (All Right?) and Renee Roberts (BNZ). The release was produced in September 2013.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a map used by emergency management personnel to inspect buildings after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The block between St Asaph, Antigua, Montreal, and Acton Street has been outlined with a red felt-tip pen. Some of the buildings in the block and below Acton Streets have been coloured orange. A few other buildings have been coloured blue.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damaged workshops in the Red Bus depot on Fitzgerald Avenue. The brick walls have partially crumbled. In the background is the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, with its dome partly deconstructed. The photographer comments, "This photo was taken recently on Fitzgerald Avenue. Again, it's amazing how close you can get to buildings that look like they are about to collapse. In the background, you can see that work has begun to remove the dome on top of the damaged Cathedral of he Blessed Sacrament".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A stop motion video promoting the All Right? Hidden Strengths quiz. The video uses a balloon theme to depict teamwork as a hidden strength. Red balloons materialize to read, "Knowing your hidden strengths can improve your life satisfaction," before the balloons are rearranged to read, "Teamwork." All Right? uploaded the video to Facebook Timeline on 27 June 2016 at 4:47pm. All Right? also uploaded the video to YouTube on 29 June 2016.