A photograph of a preschool child playing a drum. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of Christchurch City Councillor Glenn Livingstone cutting the cake to launch the Tiny Adventures campaign. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of preschool children watching as the All Righties dance to the song "Let it go". The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of Judi Clements (Mental Health Foundation), Elizabeth Goodwin (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents - a project of the Ministry of Social Development) and Sue Turner (All Right?) holding the cake celebrating the Tiny Adventures campaign. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of a preschool child in a colourful costume placing a flower lei over the head of Anna Mowat from SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents - a project of the Ministry of Social Development). Christchurch City Councillor Glenn Livingstone is sitting next to Anna Mowat, wearing a flower lei around his neck. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of a community member leading a group of children who are playing drums. On the wall behind the man there is a piece of traditional Pacific-island flax weaving. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of preschool children decorating cards with help from Ciaran Fox, Programme Design and Delivery Specialist for the Mental Health Foundation. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of preschool children in colourful Pasifika costumes performing a welcome song and dance. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of a preschool child in Pasifika traditional dress holding a drum and grinning at the camera. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of the 'All Righties' dancing with the preschool children. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
A photograph of preschool children in colourful costumes participating in a potato-stamping craft activity. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.
An image used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "What makes you feel all right? Sharing kai with the whanau".
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "What makes you feel all right? Sharing kai with the whānau".
A PDF copy of two colouring-in resources. The images read, "When did you last get your sweat on?" and "When did you last share kai with the whanau?".
SKIP is a government funded initiative that supports parents and whanau to guide their children's behaviour in a positive way. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
A PDF copy of four hospital window hoarding designs. The images read, "Welcome to the Princess Margaret Hospital," "Your aroha really helps," "Reception straight ahead," and "When did you last share kai with the whanau?".
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Sharing kai with the whanau".
An image used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page to promote events held at Rehua Marae for Matariki 2014. The image reads, "Celebrate Matariki. Rehua Marae Whānau Day. 28 June, 10am - 3.30pm.
A PDF copy of hoarding designs for Leighs Construction. The images ask, "What good things are you growing?", "Had a good boogie lately?", "When did you last share kai with the whanau?" and "When did you last share your hidden talents?".
A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of brothers Ridge and Chase Kamo. The caption reads, "Te reo Māori is about being proud of our family, friends and who we are".
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts a family of 'All Righties' sharing some kai. The image reads, "When did you last share kai with the whānau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love".
As Chief Executive of Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu, Arihia Bennett leads a whanau of more than 78,000 iwi members, including their near-$2b worth of assets. She's been in the role for 11 years, overseeing all of Ngāi Tahu's operations, including farming, seafood, tourism and investment. She has also served as Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Commissioner, been on the board of Barnardos NZ and the Christchurch Women's Refuge (now known as Aviva). She is a current member of the Global Women's Network and the Tuahiwi Maori Women's Welfare League. In 2008, she was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Maori and the community. Arihia Bennett is a social worker by profession, from a whanau steeped in community service. She talks to Susie Ferguson about her leadership style, her vision for Ngāi Tahu and her love of vintage clothes.
Maori Party MP for Te Tai Tonga, Rahui Katene' is buried up to her neck in earthquake rubble as she reads a newspaper headline referring to her statement that the aftermath of the earthquake has demonstrated 'racism and ethnic profiling'. Rahui Katene's head is disintegrating and two engineers who are examining the damage decide that 'This can't be repaired, it needs to be condemned'. Rahui Katene says the authorities, who kicked a Christchurch family out of a welfare centre that was set up after the Christchurch earthquake that struck on the 4th September, should apologise for judging them too early and shaming them publicly. Mrs Katene was also concerned about claims that Maori youth were being targeted by police. "I've heard from whanau that in one particular area rangatahi who were volunteering in their community and helping their whanau were accused by police of theft. The whanau are trying to work these issues through with the police, but I'm growing concerned about what appears to be ethnic profiling." Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A PDF copy of a billboard design depicting the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster'. The design reads, "Life's full of ups and downs. Where are you, your friends, and your whanau at? Visit allright.org.nz". The 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' was designed to raise awareness about emotional literacy in Canterbury.
A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of kapa haka practitioner Alex Solomon. The caption reads, "Kapa haka is about celebrating who we are individually, as whānau and as Māori".
A PDF copy of five 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' images. The images depict sections of the rollercoaster, and one reads, "Life's full of ups and downs. Where are you, your friends, and whanau at? Visit allright.org.nz." The 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' was designed to raise awareness about emotional literacy in Canterbury.
A PDF copy of four cut-out signs produced for City2Surf 2015. The images and messages on the signs ask questions relating to the Five Ways to Wellbeing, such as "When did you last get your sweat on?" and "Been outside with the whanau lately?".
A PDF copy of five 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' images. The images depict a different section of the rollercoaster, and one reads, "Life's full of ups and downs. Where are you, your friends, and whanau at? Visit allright.org.nz." The 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' was designed to raise awareness about emotional literacy in Canterbury.
A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of kapa haka practitioners Puamiria Parata-Goodall and her mother Reihana (Aunty Do) Parata. The caption reads, "As a whānau, when we haka together, we learn together".
A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of kapa haka practitioners Puamiria Parata-Goodall and her mother Reihana (Aunty Do) Parata. The caption reads, "As a whānau, when we haka together, we learn together".