An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 24 December 2011 entitled, "Retaining Walls and Earthquakes".
Cracked wall
20160703_144759_GT-S7275T-04 New sea wall at Redcliffs (185/366) I went for a drive in my second car mainly to charge the battery up and forgot to take my camera gear so only had my phone. This is the new rock wall to replace the severely damaged previous one (in the February 2011 earthquake). Work is still underway on the car parking and p...
Light timber framed (LTF) structures provide a cost-effective and structurally efficient solution for low-rise residential buildings. This paper studies seismic performance of single-storey LTF buildings sheathed by gypsum-plasterboards (GPBs) that are a typical lining product in New Zealand houses. Compared with wood-based structural panels, GPBs tend to be more susceptible to damage when they are used in bracing walls to resist earthquake loads. This study aims to provide insights on how the bracing wall irregularity allowed by the current New Zealand standard NZS 3604 and the in-plane rigidity of ceiling diaphragms affect the overall seismic performance of these GPB-braced LTF buildings. Nonlinear time-history analyses were conducted on a series of single-storey baseline buildings with different levels of bracing wall irregularities and ceiling diaphragm rigidity. The results showed significant torsional effect caused by the eccentric bracing wall layout with semi-rigid/rigid ceiling diaphragms. On average, bracing wall drift demand caused by the extreme bracing wall irregularities was three times of that in the regular bracing wall layout under the rigid diaphragm assumption. This finding agreed well with the house survey after the 2011 Canterbury Earthquake in which significantly more damage was observed in the houses with irregular bracing wall layouts and relatively rigid diaphragms. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the level of bracing wall eccentricity and ensure the sufficiently rigid diaphragms to avoid excessive damage in these LTF buildings in future events.
A photograph of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall. Details of the opening event are chalked on the wall.
Pages 1 and 2 of a 2014 Wall Planner published in the Christchurch Press on Monday 9 December 2013.
Pages 1 and 2 of a 2014 Wall Planner published in the Christchurch Press on Friday 13 December 2013.
A close up of the entrance to the cathedral. Bricks have fallen from the wall causing damage to the balustrade. Bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage.
It's been revealed that the Earthquake Commission knew a wall which crushed two people in Christchurch's February earthquake was at risk of collapsing.
A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre which has been walled off using tarpaulins. Cracks in the wall have been filled with epoxy resin.
A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre. The panelling has been taken off the walls, exposing the wooden framing, insulation, and wires.
Nothing wrong with this carpark building; that's just a mural on one of the structural shear walls.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage.
A wall on the former site of Piko Wholefoods. A damaged part of the wall is covered with a graffiti paste-up of an elastoplast, with a speech bubble reading, "You poor thing".
Exposed wall after the demolition of the adjoining building. The wall has been graffitied, and in front are a set of recycling, rubbish and organic bins with some other bits of furniture.
A photograph of a kitchen in the Diabetes Centre. The panelling has been removed from the wall of the kitchen, exposing the wooden frame and several pipes and wires.
The damaged Carlton Hotel with scaffolding on one side supporting the walls. On the other side, the wall has crumbled, exposing the interior, and leaving a pile of building rubble on the footpath.
Wall moved/cracked by liquification
A close up of the damaged stonework of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the wall to limit further damage.
A close up of the front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage.
A close up of the damaged stonework of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the wall to limit further damage.
The Royal Commission investigating the Canterbury earthquakes has heard that the premises where a man was killed by a falling concrete wall was not inspected by structural engineers between the September and February quakes.
A red-stickered house with cracks running down the brick wall. The house has also separated slightly from the foundations and is now on a lean. The brick wall on the house next door has partially crumbled.
A photograph of a woman applying filler to a concrete-block wall, in preparation for painting it to become the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A photograph of the wooden frame of a wall in the Diabetes Centre. The panelling has been removed from the wall, exposing the frame and several pipes and wires underneath.
A photograph of several panels hanging from the ceiling of the Diabetes Centre. The panelling has been taken off the wall to the right, exposing the wooden structure beneath.
Graffiti on a brick wall reads "Pray hope and don't worry". The photographer comments, "Seen on a wall on Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch".
A close up of the front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage.