A photograph of the earthquake damage to a block of shops on Manchester Street including While you Wait Studios, Aji Global Grocery & Chocolateria, and Peaches and Cream. Sections of the wall above crumbled, the bricks falling to the footpath and destroying the awnings. The rubble has been cleared from the footpath.
A photograph of an art studio area at Chambers 241 on Moorhouse Avenue.
A portacabin and tent being used as a temporary studio by the One News team.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a group of stores on Manchester Street including the While You Wait Studio, Smith's Bookshop, Aji Global Grocery & Chocolateria and Curios Bric-a-Brac. Sections of the front wall have crumbled, the bricks falling to the footpath and damaging the awnings. Plastic fencing has been placed along the road as a cordon.
Head of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Roger Sutton is in our Christchurch studio .
A PDF copy of pages 330-331 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Social Soup'. Photos: Joel Cocks
The chairman of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Commission, Murray Sherwin, joins us for the morning in our Wellington studio.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Photographic studio on Colombo Street after the earthquake on 4 September 2010".
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a group of stores on Manchester Street including Peaches and Cream, the While You Wait Studio, Smith's Bookshop, Aji Global Grocery & Chocolateria and Curios Bric-a-Brac. Sections of the front wall have crumbled, the bricks falling to the footpath and damaging the awnings. Plastic fencing has been placed along the road as a cordon.
A map showing the location of a new pop-up market, cinema and art studio in New Brighton.
A photograph of FESTA Studio Coordinator Nick Sargent on an elevated work platform on the Worcester Street bridge.
A photograph of a sign on a cordon fence announcing that the Latin Addiction Dance Studio is open at 166 St Asaph Street.
Reporters sit outside a campervan at the temporary studio being used by the One News team. In the foreground are a generator and satellite dish.
A man walks past a bus shelter beside the Carlton Hotel. In the background a news crew has set up a temporary studio in a tent.
Reporters sit outside a campervan at the temporary studio being used by the One News team. In the foreground are a generator and satellite dish.
A photograph of a sign on a cordon fence announcing that the Latin Addiction Dance Studio is open at 166 St Asaph Street.
Damage to the Cranmer Courts. Mike Hewson's art installation, 'Homage To The Lost Spaces (Government Life Building Studio Series)' can be seen on the bottom right.
A photograph of Portabuild cabins being used as temporary studios by One News. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Carlton corner, post 22 February earthquake".
Detail of the artwork 'Homage To The Lost Spaces (Government Life Building Studio Series' by Mike Hewson. These were installed on damaged buildings, this one being the Cranmer Courts.
An initiative by the CPIT Faculty of Creative Industries to establish gallery and studio spaces for Christchurch artists following the Christchurch earthquake, by using flexible, adaptable cube modules.
A photograph of FESTA Studio Coordinator Nick Sargent (left) and another person on an elevated work platform on the Worcester Street bridge.
Detail of the artwork 'Tony De In The Door (Government Life Building Studio Series' by Mike Hewson. These were installed on damaged buildings, this one being a building opposite the Cranmer Courts.
Nel presente articolo si illustra una procedura per il processamento automatizzato di prove CPT, il calcolo di vari indici di liquefazione e la rappresentazione dei dati su mappa. La procedura è applicata al caso studio del terremoto di Christchurch, Nuova Zelanda, del 22 febbraio 2011 (magnitudo momento, Mw = 6.2). Dall’analisi spaziale dei risultati emerge una buona correlazione tra le mappe ottenute per l’indicatore degli effetti al suolo e i danni osservati (su terreni e strutture). Tuttavia, per confermare la validità di tale procedura, sarà necessario esaminare ulteriori casi studio nel mondo.
A photograph of Julia Holden's unpainted egg artwork at her temporary studio in Sumner. The egg is to be part of the Whittaker's Big Egg Hunt.
A photograph of Julia Holden's unpainted egg artwork at her temporary studio in Sumner. The egg is to be part of the Whittaker's Big Egg Hunt.
A photograph of Julia Holden's egg artwork, 'A Shell of Her Former Self', in progress at her temporary studio in Sumner. The egg is to be part of the Whittaker's Big Egg Hunt.
A photograph of Julia Holden's egg artwork, 'A Shell of Her Former Self', in progress at her temporary studio in Sumner. The egg is to be part of the Whittaker's Big Egg Hunt.
A photograph of Julia Holden's egg artwork, 'A Shell of Her Former Self', in progress at her temporary studio in Sumner. The egg is to be part of the Whittaker's Big Egg Hunt.
A photograph of Julia Holden's egg artwork, 'A Shell of Her Former Self', in progress at her temporary studio in Sumner. The egg is to be part of the Whittaker's Big Egg Hunt.
A photograph of Julia Holden's egg artwork, 'A Shell of Her Former Self', in progress at her temporary studio in Sumner. The egg is to be part of the Whittaker's Big Egg Hunt.