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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This study led on from Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part A: Earthquake source identification and characterisation (Pettinga et al, 1998). It used the location and characteristics of active faults in the Canterbury region, and the historic record of earthquakes to estimate levels of ground shaking (MM intensity, peak ground acceleration and spectral accelerations) across Canterbury for different return periods. The study also provided earthquake scenarios for selected towns and cities in Canterbury, and undertook detailed investigations into the largest historic earthquakes in Christchurch and parts of the Canterbury region. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This study compiled and tabulated all relevant available information on earthquake sources (active faults) in Canterbury and mapped the fault locations onto 1:50,000 or 1:250,000 overlays on topographic maps (later digitised into the Environment Canterbury active faults database). The study also reviewed information on historic earthquakes, instrumental seismicity and paleoseismic studies and identified information gaps. It recommended an approach for a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and development of earthquake scenarios. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned, "I'll have mixed feelings when I leave. I'll be sad to go - and sad to see my house go. But I hope it'll be a good feeling once it's over. I'll be pleased to get to that stage and feel like I'm finally moving on".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Part seven of a video series about the first stage of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Land Damage Assessment and Reinstatement Report. The report was prepared for the Earthquake Commission after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Part two of a video series about the first stage of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Land Damage Assessment and Reinstatement Report. The report was prepared for the Earthquake Commission after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Part six of a video series about the first stage of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Land Damage Assessment and Reinstatement Report. The report was prepared for the Earthquake Commission after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Part five of a video series about the first stage of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Land Damage Assessment and Reinstatement Report. The report was prepared for the Earthquake Commission after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Part four of a video series about the first stage of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Land Damage Assessment and Reinstatement Report. The report was prepared for the Earthquake Commission after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Part three of a video series about the first stage of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Land Damage Assessment and Reinstatement Report. The report was prepared for the Earthquake Commission after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Part one of a video series about the first stage of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Land Damage Assessment and Reinstatement Report. The report was prepared for the Earthquake Commission after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Elric Hooper is a recognisable face in Christchurch theatre both on and off stage. He spent his early years with Dame Ngaio Marsh, the influential woman for whom the theatre at The University of Canterbury was named after. The theatre was damaged during the Christchurch earthquakes and is now under threat. But is it worth keeping it?

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Alastair Cassels about the opening of stage two of the Tannery Arcade in Woolston. Cassels talks about the success of the venture, the work still to be completed, and the growing number of shops in the arcade.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Aotearoa's biggest demolition job has entered its final stage. This morning media were given a final chance to walk through Christchurch's Lancaster Park before it is completely brought to the ground. The park's grandstands were badly damaged in the 2011 earthquake, and in 2017, $12 million was set aside for it be pulled down. Nicholas Pointon was there.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The old Ngaio Marsh theatre at the University of Canterbury was one of the many casualties of the earthquakes.The Student Association is encouraging people who performed on stage or helped out behind the scenes to buy a seat for the replacement Ngaio Marsh Theatre. Lynn Freeman talks with the UCSA president Sam Brosnahan about the project.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

A seismic financial risk analysis of typical New Zealand reinforced concrete buildings constructed with topped precast concrete hollow-core units is performed on the basis of experimental research undertaken at the University of Canterbury over the last five years. An extensive study that examines seismic demands on a variety of multi-storey RC buildings is described and supplemented by the experimental results to determine the inter-storey drift capacities of the buildings. Results of a full-scale precast concrete super-assemblage constructed and tested in the laboratory in two stages are used. The first stage investigates existing construction and demonstrates major shortcomings in construction practice that would lead to very poor seismic performance. The second stage examines the performance of the details provided by Amendment No. 3 to the New Zealand Concrete Design Code NZS 3101:1995. This paper uses a probabilistic financial risk assessment framework to estimate the expected annual loss (EAL) from previously developed fragility curves of RC buildings with precast hollow core floors connected to the frames according to the pre-2004 standard and the two connection details recommended in the 2004 amendment. Risks posed by different levels of damage and by earthquakes of different frequencies are examined. The structural performance and financial implications of the three different connection details are compared. The study shows that the improved connection details recommended in the 2004 amendment give a significant economic payback in terms of drastically reduced financial risk, which is also representative of smaller maintenance cost and cheaper insurance premiums.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This study updated the 1999 Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part B: Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and Earthquake scenarios for the Canterbury region, and historic earthquakes in Christchurch report. It incorporated new fault data, a new distributed seismicity model and new methods for estimating Modified Mercalli intensities. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This study updated the 1999 Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part B: Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and Earthquake scenarios for the Canterbury region, and historic earthquakes in Christchurch report. It incorporated new fault data, a new distributed seismicity model and new methods for estimating Modified Mercalli intensities. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This study updated and superseded Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part A: Earthquake source identification and characterisation (Pettinga et al, 1998). It compiled and tabulated all relevant available information on earthquake sources in Canterbury and updated the active faults database with new fault locations and information. See Object Overview for background and usage information.