A dissertation submitted by Cameron McLeod in fulfilment of an Honours degree in Diplomacy, covering community response and recovery in Lyttelton following the Canterbury Earthquakes. Dissertation supervised by Dr Bronwyn Hayward, University of Canterbury School of Social and Political Sciences.
Summary of oral history interview with Alice Ridley about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Forty Christchurch homeowners have headed back to court, as they seek to take a class action against earthquake insurer Southern Response.
It is understood 26 Christchurch earthquake claimants who took class actiona against Southern Response are close to reaching an out of court settlement.
A woman in a florescent vest speaking to a member of the public outside a residential property. The woman is a volunteer for the Canterbury Earthquake Social Services Response team.
A woman in a florescent vest speaking to a member of the public outside a residential property. The woman is a volunteer for the Canterbury Earthquake Social Services Response team.
A woman in a florescent vest speaking to a member of the public outside a residential property. The woman is a volunteer for the Canterbury Earthquake Social Services Response team.
A woman in a florescent vest speaking to a member of the public outside a residential property. The woman is a volunteer for the Canterbury Earthquake Social Services Response team.
A PDF copy of a handwritten journal kept by Robin Robins, documenting the repair work on his earthquake-damaged home between November 2012 and April 2017. Note that some personal information has been redacted from this document.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 6 August 2012 entitled, "Luke's Labyrinth".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 8 February 2013 entitled, "Borrow-a-bike".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 18 March 2011 entitled, "Day 25, 3pm - inside the red zone".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 18 September 2011 entitled, "Borrowed Brooch".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 15 August 2011 entitled, "Artworks Unveiled".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 17 July 2011 entitled, "Buzzing with Books".
A woman in a florescent vest speaking to a member of the public outside a residential property. The woman is a volunteer for the Canterbury Earthquake Social Services Response team.
A woman in a florescent vest speaking to a member of the public outside a residential property. The woman is a volunteer for the Canterbury Earthquake Social Services Response team.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's Blog for 03 June 2014 entitled, "Bottled Bulletins".
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 2 June 2012 entitled, "Granny Graffiti".
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 4 January 2014 entitled, "A Round Christchurch".
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 28 December 2013 entitled, "Christchurch Christmas 2013".
Research on human behaviour during earthquake shaking has identified three main influences of behaviour: the environment the individual is located immediately before and during the earthquake, in terms of where the individual is and who the individual is with at the time of the earthquake; individual characteristics, such as age, gender, previous earthquake experience, and the intensity and duration of earthquake shaking. However, little research to date has systematically analysed the immediate observable human responses to earthquake shaking, mostly due to data constraints and/or ethical considerations. Research on human behaviour during earthquakes has relied on simulations or post-event, reflective interviews and questionnaire studies, often performed weeks to months or even years following the event. Such studies are therefore subject to limitations such as the quality of the participant's memory or (perceived) realism of a simulation. The aim of this research was to develop a robust coding scheme to analyse human behaviour during earthquake shaking using video footage captured during an earthquake event. This will allow systematic analysis of individuals during real earthquakes using a previously unutilized data source, thus help develop guidance on appropriate protective actions. The coding scheme was developed in a two-part process, combining a deductive and inductive approach. Previous research studies of human behavioral response during earthquake shaking provided the basis for the coding scheme. This was then iteratively refined by applying the coding scheme to a broad range of video footage of people exposed to strong shaking during the Canterbury earthquake sequence. The aim of this was to optimise coding scheme content and application across a broad range of scenarios, and to increase inter-coder reliability. The methodology to code data will enhance objective observation of video footage to allow cross-event analysis and explore (among others): reaction time, patterns of behaviour, and social, environmental and situational influences of behaviour. This can provide guidance for building configuration and design, and evidence-based recommendations for public education about injury-preventing behavioural responses during earthquake shaking.
This literature review uses research informed by disasters including the Christchurch Earthquakes, Hurricane Katrina, Red River floods, War in Israel and natural disasters in Indonesia to identify key aspects within teacher-student relationships which result in an increase in the emotional stability of our students. These aspects include prior knowledge of students and their development, psycho-social interventions and incorporation of the disaster into the curriculum. Teacher-student relationships are highlighted as vital to a child’s healing and resilience after experiencing disaster trauma.
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the seismic response of the UC Physics Building based on recorded ground motions during the Canterbury earthquakes, and to use the recorded response to evaluate the efficacy of various conventional structural analysis modelling assumptions. The recorded instrument data is examined and analysed to determine how the UC Physics Building performed during the earthquake-induced ground motions. Ten of the largest earthquake events from the 2010-11 Canterbury earthquake sequence are selected in order to understand the seismic response under various levels of demand. Peak response amplitude values are found which characterise the demand from each event. Spectral analysis techniques are utilised to find the natural periods of the structure in each orthogonal direction. Significant torsional and rocking responses are also identified from the recorded ground motions. In addition, the observed building response is used to scrutinise the adequacy of NZ design code prescriptions for fundamental period, response spectra, floor acceleration and effective member stiffness. The efficacy of conventional numerical modelling assumptions for representing the UC Physics Building are examined using the observed building response. The numerical models comprise of the following: a one dimensional multi degree of freedom model, a two dimensional model along each axis of the building and a three dimensional model. Both moderate and strong ground motion records are used to examine the response and subsequently clarify the importance of linear and non-linear responses and the inclusion of base flexibility. The effects of soil-structure interaction are found to be significant in the transverse direction but not the longitudinal direction. Non-linear models predict minor in-elastic behaviour in both directions during the 4 September 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield earthquake. The observed torsional response is found to be accurately captured by the three dimensional model by considering the interaction between the UC Physics Building and the adjacent structure. With the inclusion of adequate numerical modelling assumptions, the structural response is able to be predicted to within 10% for the majority of the earthquake events considered.
Transcript of participant number NB912's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
The High Court has said 40 Christchurch homeowners wanting to take a class action against earthquake insurer Southern Response can move forward with their claim.
A independent review of Fire Service's response to deadly February earthquake in Christchurch has heavily criticised the organisation for allowing tensions to fester for years.
A photograph of Hutt City Emergency Response team members posing with Emergency Operation Centre staff members on Salisbury Street.
An earthquake memories story from Bevan Harden, Clinical Pharmacy Supervisor, Christchurch Hospital, titled, "Response based on common sense".
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in the hanger of a Royal New Zealand Air Force Hercules. The ERT members are travelling to Christchurch to help out in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Blankets, tent poles, and other supplies have been stacked in the centre of the hanger.