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Articles, Christchurch uncovered

…this yard being kept in a disreputable state, there are no cinder pits in proper places to throw the refuse of cooking and things in general, as at home, so old bones, vegetable remains, scrapings of plates, cinders, tea leaves, … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

It came as a bit of a surprise when over 1000 fragments of broken stoneware jars were unearthed at an otherwise ordinary Christchurch archaeological site. But there, sitting under some old petrol tanks, was Christchurch history waiting to be found.What … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Bedlam. That’s how most people think of 19th century hospitals for the mentally unwell. The phrase ‘lunatic asylums’ – which was how such institutions were known at the time – doesn’t conjure up much better images. But what if the … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Today, through the wonders of archaeology and Papers Past, we bring you the story of Charles Henry Cox, a man whose crime has been buried – literally – for over 100 years. But let’s not get too carried away. As … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Many of you will probably have heard of Baxter’s Lung Preserver, a local Christchurch product created in the 19th century and still sold today. Bottles of Baxter’s, with the name of the product embossed on the sides, are common finds … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

Historical archaeology has many facets, it includes recording buildings and features, artefact analysis, names and dates, but if you take a moment, collaborate all that data, you have a powerful tool for telling someone’s story. Some call this type of … Continue reading →

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

- Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown’s School Days, 1857 It’s hard to picture what many of Christchurch’s buildings looked like before the earthquake. For many locals the torn down remains of a building or an empty lot remind them of a … Continue reading →

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a protest sign reading, "When it comes to the East, I see nothing, I hear nothing, and I care even less!!" and showing the face of Gerry Brownlee superimposed on the body of Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Woodham Road, Linwood".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a woman reading one of the blue tarpaulin flags that have been strung across the Worcester Street bridge. The installation, titled Eye of the Storm, was created for Canterbury Tales by students from the School of Design at the University of Technology Sydney. Canterbury Tales was a carnivalesque procession and the main event of FESTA 2013.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An entry from Maxine Bennett's blog, "Blackbird Has Spoken: Having a go at this blogging lark" ( The entry for 12 February 2013 is titled "Of sorrow and salvage. Op-Shop Show-Off Feb 12th 2013". Maxine writes, "I’m Max, an English girl in, and in love with New Zealand, and the New Zealander husband. In an almost forgotten previous life I worked as a psychotherapist and psychiatric nurse; now I’m the contented stay at home mother of Claudine who's almost 3, and the baby-boy-currently-gestating. We live a quiet life in a small rural town in our arts and crafts house, but dream of moving out to some land one day, to build our own home and enjoy a long view. I like to laugh, be outside, craft, grow, op-shop, read and cook. My little Kiwi family, learning new things, quiet, beauty and reading blogs make me the happiest of all. My blog is a record of my enthusiasms, fleeting and enduring, and a means of communication with you kindred spirits near and far." Note that the blog post has been converted to PDF format for archiving, which may have resulted in changes to the formatting and layout of the page.