The deconstruction of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, with a digger and a pile of demolition rubble in front. Road cones and signs have been placed in front to divert traffic around the area. Flags in Canterbury colours, red and black can be seen on the street lights.
The deconstruction of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, with a digger and a pile of demolition rubble in front. Road cones and signs have been placed in front to divert traffic around the area. A flag in Canterbury colours, red and black can be seen on the street lights.
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
A PDF copy of pages 74-75 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Nom Nom and Best Demo 2012'. Photo: Reuben Woods
Our Christchurch correspondent, Katy Gosset takes us on a musical journey with the help of one of the city's longest serving pianists. For 23 years Peter Lewis played the piano in the Crowne Plaza Hotel before being made redundant by the February 2011 earthquake. Peter has since struggled to find a way to share his music with others. Today Katy seeks out some city pianos and takes him on a mystery tour to rediscover the pleasure of playing.
On a walk over to Hagley Park to great some shots of the wonderful Cherry Blossom I past by the Knox Church rebuild and found that the scaffolding has come down at last. It sure was shinning in the midday light. Victoria Street September 12, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand
Shows a happy crowd playing in the sea and sand in the Christchurch Square. Bishop Victoria Matthews is seen balancing on the Wizard of Christchurch who has turned himself into a surfboard. Context: refers to a proposal by Bishop of Christchurch Victoria Matthews that the earthquake-damaged Square could be made "welcoming and engaging" again by transforming it into an artificial beach with large movie screens. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).