Peraki Street in Kaiapoi, near the railway level crossing. The road and footpath surfaces are cracked and buckled.
Cracks in the road and liquefaction at the intersection of Rich and Hilton Streets in Kaiapoi. Some of the liqufaction has been dug out of properties and placed in piles on the side of the road.
Liquefaction silt and cracking in a paddock near Kaiapoi.
A tarpaulin covers the damaged gable end of a building on Hereford Street.
Damage to the southwest corner of Cranmer Courts. Plywood sheeting covers a wall where the stonework has fallen away.
Damage to the Blackwells building in Kaiapoi. Part of the facade has collapsed onto the street below. In the foreground is the War Memorial.
Sightseers inspect the damage to a road which buckled during the earthquake, leaving a series of large cracks across the tarmac.
A red-stickered building in Papanui, cordoned off with danger tape and a crowd barrier. The windows have been boarded up and spray-painted with USAR markings.
A woman inspects a large crack in the ground near the side of the road.
Liquefaction in a residential garden in Kaiapoi.
Cracks along the edge of Raven Quay in Kaiapoi, where the land has slumped towards the river.
The old post office building in Kaiapoi.
A buckled footbridge over the Kaiapoi River.
Damage to the Blackwells building in Kaiapoi. Parts of the facade and roof have collapsed.
A man pushes a wheelbarrow full of liquefaction silt in Black Street in Kaiapoi. A small sinkhole is visible in the foreground.
Sightseers inspect the damage to a road which buckled during the earthquake, leaving a series of large cracks across the tarmac.
The fence of this house in Kaiapoi has sunk into the liquefaction silt.
A digger removes liquefaction from a street in Kaiapoi.
Scaffolding around the damaged Irish Pub in Lyttelton.
Damage to Smith's bookshop on Manchester Street, where part of the parapet has collapsed.
Damage to a building on Manchester Street, where the front wall of the upper two storeys has fallen away.
The old Bank of New Zealand building in Kaiapoi, cordoned off with warning tape.
Peraki Street in Kaiapoi, near the railway level crossing. The footpath is cracked and buckled.
Rubble on the road beside the old Magistrates Court bulding on Armagh Street.
Liquefaction silt in a paddock.
Road works at the corner of Queensbury Street and New Brighton Road.
A tram passes the Cranmer Centre, which has been cordoned off with security fencing.
A large crack where the land has slumped away next to a road. In the background sightseers take photographs of the damage.
Damage to St Joseph's Church in Lyttelton. The front wall of the church has almost completely collapsed.
Large cracks between concrete slabs in a pathway beside the Southern Region Coastguard Waimakariri-Ashley boathouse on Charles Street in Kaiapoi show how the land has slumped towards the river.