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Images, UC QuakeStudies

People gathering in the Botanic Gardens after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. For many nearby businesses and organisations, the gardens were the meeting point during an emergency. To the right, the Peacock Fountain can just be seen with scaffolding around it.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team in their temporary office space in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "E-Learning group meeting; Jess Hollis, Antoine Monti, Susan Tull, Alan Hoskin, Herbert Thomas".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of opera singer Placido Domingo meeting the NZSO National Youth Orchestra at the CBS Arena. Domingo talks about his experiences in the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, which claimed the lives of four of his relatives.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Staff meet in temporary office space set up in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. Two meeting spaces in the middle of the floor".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

At a meeting in a tent, Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr speaks to staff about their return to work after the February 2011 earthquake. The photographer comments, "The VC addresses staff in a marquee in the Communication Disorders car park".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of emergency management staff meeting outside the Christchurch Art Gallery. The art gallery was used as the temporary Civil Defence headquarters after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background, a New Zealand Fire Service truck can be seen.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'If a secret microphone was smuggled into CERA's meetings?...' A group of CERA staff chat during tea at a meeting. They make unguarded comments about the state of affairs in earthquake-stricken Christchurch unaware that a microphone has been left in a sugarbowl. Context: the cartoon suggests that there seems to many Christchurch people to be a lack of real care on the part of officialdom as they struggle to recover from the earthquake damage. The microphone recalls that left 'accidentally' on a table at which Prime Minister John Key and the ACT candidate for the Epsom seat were having a highly publicised cup of tea. Then when it was discovered that a microphone had recorded their conversation John Key tried to get a court order to supress making it public. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team in their temporary office space in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "E-Learning group meeting; Jess Hollis, Antoine Monti, Susan Tull, Alan Hoskin, Herbert Thomas, Nikki Saunders. Paul Nicholls at rear by window".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Paul Nicholls from the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team and Digital Media Group Manager Wayne Riggall in their temporary office in KB02 in Kirkwood Village, the complex of prefabs set up after the earthquakes to provide temporary office and classroom space for the university. The photographer comments, "The e-learning group and the video conferencing team are now located in the Kirkwood Village at the University of Canterbury. It's a very impressive project, about 60 buildings arranged in various configurations with some used for teaching or computer labs, and others as staff offices. We will probably stay here for several years now. Adjoining our area is a space for Wayne, the Digital Media Group Manager, who will organise a sitting area for visitors and small meetings. Beyond Wayne is a closed-off meeting room".

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Plumbers say EQC paying bills too slowly, Earthquake Commission defends its claim process, Events centre, not stimulus package, for West Coast, Harawira calls meeting to consider forming new party, Government, Auckland council split over development, Search work in Christchurch central city nears completion, Power in South Christchurch threatened by cut cable.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Temporary office space set up in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. A long view of the west end; Facilities, enrolments, student admin, then meeting areas. E-learning is the first bay to the east side of the stairs".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows Gerry Brownlee, the Minister for Earthquake Recovery, walking towards a spa wearing swimming togs and with a blow-up toy around his waist. Context: The cartoon illustrated an article entitled 'Sutton candid about struggles'. Cera boss Roger Sutton received politicians in the empty Centennial Park spa pool after the February earthquake when he was still head of lines company Orion. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The number of speed camera tickets being issued skyrockets, police say it's about road safety, the AA's not so sure. Crisis talks in Europe over the Greek debt crisis... and its impact on the Eurozone and there were angry scenes at a Christchurch meeting last night as residents tried to stop a dump for earthquake debris being built in their suburb.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Is organising anarchists like herding cats? Apparently not. Sage Forest talks to an anarchists' collective with a deep faith in human nature. Beyond Resistance is a nation-wide anarchists' collective based in Christchurch. They hold regular meetings with the primary goal of empowering workers. But their faith in human nature has proven itself in the response to the earthquake crises. This, they say, is true anarchy at work.