The Earthquake Recovery Minister says he's instructed government agencies to prosecute any fraudulent activity during the Christchurch rebuild, to the full extent of the law.
Christchurch's community law centre is expecting many cases to be lodged as people struggle to cope with the effects of the Canterbury earthquake.
The Law Society has added its voice to condemnation the government is giving itself far too much power by passing the emergency Canterbury earthquake legislation.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Canterbury Law office, Madras Street".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Canterbury Law office, Madras Street".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Canterbury Law office, Madras Street".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "Can my employment agreement be varied?".
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "Canterbury Earthquake".
A PDF copy of a page from the website, titled, "The Christchurch Earthquake - Some Advice for Workers".
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "Canterbury Workers Need More Support". The article was written by Peter Conway, CTU Secretary, and Marty Braithwaite, CTU Earthquake Response Coordinator.
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "Further assistance needed for Canterbury workers". The article was written by Marty Braithwaite, CTU spokesperson on earthquake-related matters.
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "Assistance Package Must Address Genuine Needs of Workers". The article was written by Peter Conway, CTU Secretary, and Marty Braithwaite, CTU Earthquake Response Coordinator.
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "What if my employer files for bankruptcy?".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "Can my employer require me to take leave?".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "Does the redundancy tax credit still apply?".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "Has the Government extended the Earthquake Support Subsidy and Earthquake Job Loss Cover?".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "Why is my employment agreement important?".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "How will redundancy provisions apply?".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "What is 'frustration of contract'?".
A PDF copy of a frequently asked question page from the website, answering the question, "What obligations does my employer have in terms of good faith?".
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "NZCTU sympathy and support for people of Canterbury".
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "Employers need to hold off redundancy decisions".
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "Huge Risks in Scaled Back Canterbury Package". The article was written by Peter Conway, CTU Secretary, and Marty Braithwaite, CTU Earthquake Response Coordinator.
A PDF copy of a news item from the website, titled, "CTU pays tribute to the people of Canterbury".
A photograph of unfinished art work using Maori motifs at the Community Law Centre on Madras Street.
Laws 205 classes being taught in Otakaro at the College of Education.
Laws 205 classes being taught in Otakaro at the College of Education.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Community Law Centre, 281 Madras Street".
A photograph of unfinished art work using Māori motifs at the Community Law Centre located on Madras Street.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 11 June 2011 entitled, "A quilt for my sister-in-law".