A pdf copy of a PowerPoint presentation used by Duncan Gibb when presenting his Brunel lecture.
A document which summarises each winning Bill Perry Safety Award submission.
A video of a presentation by Grant Wilkinson, Senior Engineer for Ruamoko Solutions, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Engineering Regeneration, Collaboration and Innovation ".The abstract for the presentation reads, "Applying some seismic lessons learnt to saving several heritage gems and collaborating on the Christchurch Art Gallery Base Isolation retrofit project."
A document which outlines several of Drain Surgeons' safety initiatives; developed when carrying out CCTV operations.
A document which outlines several of Downer's safety initiatives, developed when working in the Central Business District.
A document which describes the purpose of the Bill Perry Safety Awards and outlines each winning submission.
A document which explains the rationale behind and development of City Care's Good to Go safety video.
An award application submitted for the IPWEA Annual Excellence Awards 2016, detailing Fulton Hogan's work repairing the repair methodology for the Sumner Road retaining wall - stage 4.
A document which describes the process that SCIRT took to repair the Sumner Road retaining wall - stage 4.
A design guideline which defined the role of the technical forums within SCIRT.
A design guideline which defined the role of the Technical Leads within SCIRT technical forums.
Video of an interview with Tom Hooper, Chief Executive of the Canterbury Development Corporation, about the experiences of businesses in the aftermath of the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Hooper talks about the changes in the workforce, business innovation, and the benefits of collaboration in Christchurch. He also talks about the importance of having a disaster recovery plan. This video is part of a series about businesses in Christchurch after the earthquakes.
A photograph of the side of the McKenzie & Willis building, seen from Tuam Street.
A video of an address by Hon. Dr. Nick Smith, Minister of Housing, at the 2014 Seismics and the City forum. This talk was part of the Building Communities section.
A report created by BRANZ, the University of Auckland and Constructing Excellence New Zealand which was commissioned by the Productivity Partnership. It examines the use of KPIs by a number of rebuild organisations.
A photograph of the east side of the Odeon Theatre, showing the severe damage at the back of the theatre.
A photograph of a presentation about the EPIC centre during a tour of the building. The tour was conducted as part of FESTA 2012.
A photograph of a presentation about the EPIC centre during a tour of the building. The tour was conducted as part of FESTA 2012.
A photograph of a presentation about the EPIC centre during a tour of the building. The tour was conducted as part of FESTA 2012.
A video of a presentation by Leanne Crozier, Director of Decipher Group Ltd, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Deciphering Employment Trends in Post-quakes Canterbury and Tapping Top Talent in the Pursuit of Innovation".The abstract for the presentation reads, "Highlighting employment opportunities that have emerged as a result of the rebuild and uncovering trends that will endure over the long term."
Page 4 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Thursday 23 October 2014.
A photograph of a temporary house in Rawhiti Domain.
A photograph of a sign for Rawhiti Village Grove.
A photograph of a street of temporary housing in Rawhiti Domain.
A photograph of a street of temporary housing in Rawhiti Domain.
A photograph of a street of temporary housing in Rawhiti Domain.
With the recent innovation and development within Christchurch following the earthquakes there have been suggestions of developing an ethnic precinct or 'Chinatown' within the city. This article explores the possibility of this and its potential benefits.
A video of a presentation by Tariq Habibyar, PhD student at the University of Canterbury, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference.
A photograph of a woman standing in the entrance of a temporary house in Rawhiti Domain.
The Canterbury earthquakes and the rebuild are generation-defining events for twenty-first century Aotearoa/ New Zealand. This article uses an actor network approach to explore 32 women’s narratives of being shaken into dangerous disaster situations and reconstituting themselves to cope in socially innovative ways. The women’s stories articulate on-going collective narratives of experiencing disaster and coping with loss in ‘resilient’ ways. In these women’s experiences, coping in disasters is not achieved by talking through the emotional trauma. Instead, coping comes from seeking solace through engagement with one’s own and others’ personal risk and resourcefulness in ways that feed into the emergence of socially innovative voluntary organisations. These stories offer conceptual insight into the multivalent interconnections between resilience and vulnerabilities and the contested nature of post-disaster recovery in Aotearoa/New Zealand. These women gave voice to living through disasters resiliently in ways that forged new networks of support across collective and personal narratives and broader social goals and aspirations for Aotearoa/New Zealand’s future.