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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Personnel from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the Singapore Army, the New Zealand Police, the New Zealand Urban Search and Recue Team, and St John, paying their respects to the people who lost their lives during the 22 February 2011 earthquake at a memorial of flowers in Cathedral Square.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Aromaunga Flowers nursery in Heathcote, Christchurch sits right above the point where the earthquake struck on 22 February. Cosmo Kentish-Barnes visits the growing business to find out what damage has been done and how owner John Baxter and his partner Elisabeth Marsh are coping.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An advertising poster outside Minx Dining Room and Bar on Lichfield Street depicts Katy Perry in a bird cage. The photographer comments, "One of the sites you will see on the Christchurch CBD red zone tour".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A graffiti-style recruitment advertisement for the NZ Police, depicting police officer Nao Yoshimizu comforting the grieving relative of an earthquake victim. The image has been further graffitied to hide the officer's uniform, and the original advertisement text ("You too can do something extraordinary. Become a cop.") altered to read "You too can do something ordinary. Become a human".