
found 58 results

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The latest news and updates on last night's earthquake; a former resident of a Christchurch complex, where a woman was found dead over the weekend, says altercations are common; NZ says law change on asylum seekers justified; doubts Kiwisaver tweaks would help first home buyers; and veterans want answers about exposure to radiation.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - Facebook coordinates students to provide assistance after the Christchurch earthquake, the Web is dead. Long Live the Internet Bits and Bobs, parents use 'digital' grounding as a 21st century disciplinary tool, Gmail Priority Inbox Sorts Your Email For You, introducing Wikileakileaks: Your Source for Wikileaks-Related Leaks and Melbourne computer hacker turned whistleblower extraordinaire Julian Assange is under pressure from within WikiLeaks to step down.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The small wharf area of the now gone Pleasant Point Yacht Club has already been taken over by the Pied Shags (cormorants). It is under water now except for low tide. Note the dead pine tree in background. Many have died because of the salt water their roots are in.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - Facebook coordinates students to provide assistance after the Christchurch earthquake and 'The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet'. Bits and Bobs - Parents use 'digital' grounding as a 21st century disciplinary tool, Gmail Priority Inbox Sorts Your Email For You, introducing Wikileakileaks: Your Source for Wikileaks-Related Leaks and Melbourne computer hacker turned whistleblower extraordinaire Julian Assange is under pressure from within WikiLeaks to step down.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The Old Lyttelton Post Office, opened in 1874, showing damage after a series of earthquakes hit Christchurch and Lyttelton over the last 9 months. In the shadow of a broken house, Down a deserted street, Propt walls, cold hearths, and phantom stairs, And the silence of dead feet — Locked wildly in one another's arms I saw two lovers meet. ...

Audio, Radio New Zealand

In the hours after the February 2011 Canterbury earthquake, Chessie Henry's father Chris Henry, a Kaikoura-based doctor, crawled into makeshift tunnels in the collapsed CTV building to rescue the living and look for the dead. Six years later, Chessie interviewed Chris in an attempt to understand the trauma that lead her father to burnout. In her book just published, We Can Make A Life: A memoir of family, earthquakes and courage, Chessie Henry considers the psychological cost of heroism and unravels stories and memories from her family history.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has been recently mowed but the dead grass has not been removed. One of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that access to the house is restricted. The photographer comments, "The lawn was mowed as part of the maintenance project on red-zoned properties".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A laminated sign for the 2011 Festival of Flowers attached to a wooden planter. The plants in the planter are dry and dead. The photographer comments, "The theme for the 2011 Festival of Flowers was 'burst! of water'. The Christchurch February earthquake came and water and sand called liquefaction burst out of the ground all around the area. Ironically the plants for the festival were left unattended in the cordoned off red zone and they would have loved a little burst of water".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Two skeletal people sit in armchairs waist-deep in silt. The man is reading the newspaper and says 'The wait's over! The Land Report's due out dear!... DEAR?' He realises that his wife, whose bony hand clutches 'EQC update No. 37', is dead. Context - On Thursday 23 June Prime Minister John Key, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and representatives from engineering consultants Tonkin & Taylor announced the first part of the Government's long-awaited land report that revealed the fate of up to 5000 quake-damaged homes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has been mowed, but the dead grass has not been removed. One of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted. The number 386 has been spray-painted on the footpath in front of the house. The photographer comments, "The lawn was mowed as part of the maintenance project on red-zoned properties. The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The dome of the Isaac Theatre Royal covered in sheeting and suspended in the backstage area. In the foreground, a small digger sits on the bed of a truck, and a crane is visible to the left. The photographer comments, "This is the 'dome' of the Isaac Theatre Royal's heritage stage. The front section of the theatre has stayed and so has the back, but the middle has been completely demolished. The best way to hide a secret is in plain sight. Could this really be an ancient UFO stored secretly in the old theatre for decades and now exposed by the earthquake? Is the waiting crane and transporter ready to whip it away to another secret location in the dead of night?".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The New Zealand public contemplate a dead drought stricken landscape. As well as lack of water, there is a lack of moderate pay scales for CEOs, satisfaction with EQC, quality TV, generous insurance companies, brilliant Solid Energy management, the integrity of John Banks (and by implication that of other MPs), quality education ministers, worthwhile overseas trips by the Prime Minister, 'clever' NZ First MPs and a boost for the West Coast among others. Considered from a Canterbury perspective, the drought of early 2013 becomes a symbol for many of the recent political and social ailments afflicting the land. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A rescue worker carries the dead body of a woman out of the crumbled remains of a building. Nearby is a copy of the 'Building Code'. Context - there are questions being asked about whether some of the buildings that collapsed too readily in the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011 had been subject to stringent enough building code regulations. The Department of Building and Housing said the vertical shaking in the central business district was both extreme and unusual and early indications suggest it was much more violent than designed for in the building code standards which are based on the kind of shaking expected to happen every 500 years. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research Papers, Lincoln University

Mixed conifer, beech and hardwood forests are relatively common in Aotearoa/New Zealand, but are not well studied. This thesis investigates the coexistence, regeneration dynamics and disturbance history of a mixed species forest across an environmental gradient of drainage and soil development in north Westland. The aim was to investigate whether conifers, beech and non-beech hardwood species were able to coexist on surfaces that differed in their underlying edaphic conditions, and if so to understand the mechanisms that influenced their regeneration on both poorly drained and well drained soils. The site selected was an area of high tree species diversity on a lowland 0.8 km² post-glacial terrace at the base of Mount Harata in the Grey River Valley. My approach was to use forest stand history reconstruction at two spatial scales: an intensive within-plot study of stand dynamics (chapter 1) and a whole-landform approach (chapter 2) that examined whether the dynamics identified at the smaller within-plot scale reflected larger patterns across the terrace. In chapter 1, three large permanent plots (0.3-0.7 ha) were placed at different points along the drainage gradient, one plot situated in each of the mainly well-drained, poorly drained and very poorly drained areas along the terrace. Information was gathered on species age and size structures, spatial distributions of tree ages, species interactions, microsite establishment preferences, patterns of stand mortality, and disturbance history in each plot. There were differences in stand structure, composition and relative abundance of species found between the well drained plot and the two poorer drained plots. On the well drained site conifers were scarce, the beeches Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii dominated the canopy, and in the subcanopy the hardwood species Weinmannia racemosa and Quintinia acutifolia were abundant. As drainage became progressively poorer, the conifers Dacrydium cupressinum and Dacrycarpus dacrydioides became more abundant and occupied the emergent tier over a beech canopy. The hardwoods W. racemosa and Q. acutifolia became gradually less abundant in the subcanopy, whereas the hardwood Elaeocarpus hookerianus became more so. In the well drained plot, gap partitioning for light between beeches and hardwoods enabled coexistence in response to a range of different sized openings resulting from disturbances of different extent. In the two more poorly drained plots, species also coexisted by partitioning microsite establishment sites according to drainage. There were several distinct periods where synchronous establishment of different species occurred in different plots, suggesting there were large disturbances: c. 100yrs, 190-200 yrs, 275-300 yrs and 375-425 yrs ago. Generally after the same disturbance, different species regenerated in different plots reflecting the underlying drainage gradient. However, at the same site after different disturbances, different sets of species regenerated, suggesting the type and extent of disturbances and the conditions left behind influenced species regeneration at some times but not others. The regeneration of some species (e.g., N. fusca in the well-drained plot, and Dacrydium in the poorer drained plots) was periodic and appeared to be closely linked to these events. In the intervals between these disturbances, less extensive disturbances resulted in the more frequent N. menziesii and especially hardwood regeneration. The type of tree death caused by different disturbances favoured different species, with dead standing tree death favouring the more shade-tolerant N. menziesii and hardwoods, whereas uprooting created a mosaic of microsite conditions and larger gap sizes that enabled Dacrycarpus, N. fusca and E. hookerianus to maintain themselves in the poorly drained areas. In chapter 2, 10 circular plots (c. 0.12 ha) were placed in well drained areas and 10 circular plots (c. 0.2 ha) in poorly drained plots to collect information on species population structures and microsite preferences. The aims were to reconstruct species' regeneration responses to a range of disturbances of different type and extent across the whole terrace, and to examine whether there were important differences in the effects of these disturbances. At this landform scale, the composition and relative abundances of species across the drainage gradient reflected those found in chapter 1. There were few scattered conifers in well drained areas, despite many potential regeneration opportunities created from a range of different stand destroying and smaller scale disturbances. Three of the four periods identified in chapter 1 reflected distinct terrace-wide periods of regeneration 75-100 yrs, 200-275 yrs and 350-450 yrs ago, providing strong evidence of periodic large, infrequent disturbances that occurred at intervals of 100-200 yrs. These large, infrequent disturbances have had a substantial influence in determining forest history, and have had long term effects on forest structure and successional processes. Different large, infrequent disturbances had different effects across the terrace, with the variability in conditions that resulted enabling different species to regenerate at different times. For example, the regeneration of distinct even-aged Dacrydium cohorts in poorly drained areas was linked to historical Alpine Fault earthquakes, but not to more recent storms. The variation in the intensity of different large, infrequent disturbances at different points along the environmental drainage gradient, was a key factor influencing the scale of impacts. In effect, the underlying edaphic conditions influenced species composition along the drainage gradient and disturbance history regulated the relative abundances of species. The results presented here further emphasise the importance of large scale disturbances as a mechanism that allows coexistence of different tree species in mixed forest, in particular for the conifers Dacrydium, Dacrycarpus and the beech N. fusca, by creating much of the environmental variation to which these species responded. This study adds to our understanding of the effects of historical earthquakes in the relatively complex forests of north Westland, and further illustrates their importance in the Westland forest landscape as the major influential disturbance on forest pattern and history. These results also further develop the 'two-component' model used to describe conifer/angiosperm dynamics, by identifying qualitative differences in the impacts of different large, infrequent disturbances across an environmental gradient that allowed for coexistence of different species. In poorer drained areas, these forests may even be thought of as 'three-component' systems with conifers, beeches and hardwoods exhibiting key differences in their regeneration patterns after disturbances of different type and extent, and in their microsite preferences.