One blue softcover children’s book titled 'The Butterfly and the Earthquake' with text by Carol McKeever and colour illustrations by Ned Barraud. Carol McKeever wrote this children’s book after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch to help children cope with the traumatic experience of an earthquake. ‘The Butterfly and the Earthquake’...
A photograph of the Gap Filler Butterfly Gap, created on an empty site on Barbadoes Street.
A photograph of volunteers creating objects out of clay for the Gap Filler Butterfly Gap project.
A photograph of volunteers creating objects out of clay for the Gap Filler Butterfly Gap project.
A photograph of volunteers creating objects out of clay for the Gap Filler Butterfly Gap project.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Butterfly Gap, a Gap Filler Project on corner of Barbadoes and Worcester Street. Such a sight to lift the spirits".
A PDF copy of pages 192-193 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Butterfly Gap'. Photos: Gap Filler
A photograph of a butterfly on one of the chairs in the '185 Empty Chairs' memorial installation.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the wall of a building between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. This section of the artwork depicts a butterfly.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Butterfly Gap, a Gap Filler Project on corner of Barbadoes and Worcester Street. Such a sight to lift the spirits".
Under the trees in the Botanic Gardens was a 'Road Cone Art Competition', to see what sculptures the public could make out of a road cone. This work was titled 'Flight of the Butterflies'.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on the side of the Funky Pumpkin building in New Brighton. This section of the artwork includes the Funky Pumpkin logo and other symbols in bubbles.
The Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
The Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
The Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
Wall around the Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
Wall around the Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
Wall around the Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
Wall around the Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
Bench in the Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
Wall around the Butterfly Gap, where landowner Robyn wanted to activate the gap where a house she owned once stood. This is a Gap Filler project, a space where the public can request to hold markets or stalls
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. Detail of some decoration with a Crusader's towel and a plastic butterfly.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. Detail of butterflies inside near the figurine dressed as a rugby player's foot.
A view after the 6.3 magnatude quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. As time drifts by, more quickly now it seems! Somewhere inside of me youth still lingers, I’m still chasing dreams and butterflies And gazing at rainbows in wonder! For I believe youth never fades In the eyes of those who can see From the inside out! From a poem by Annab...
A view of the ICTS building at the University of Canterbury, seen from level 7 of the James Hight building. The photographer comments, "First looks at our new temporary (maybe) office space. Our group will stay here until April or May 2011, then will move to another floor in the Central Library. We look down on the IT Building, which is doomed. The ugly draughty IT building is going to be demolished in the next campus revamp. The 'Butterfly Building' behind, originally the mainframe computer centre, will remain, as it's architecturally significant, apparently".