Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath PWS-2010-09-19-DSC02607
Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath PWS-2010-09-19-DSC02598
Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath PWS-2010-09-19-DSC02602
These cracks would worry me but apparently the building is generally Ok.
These cracks would worry me but apparently the building is generally Ok.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the White's Building on Tuam Street, visible through a broken window. The roof of the building has collapsed into the building, a plank of wood breaking through the window.
Very sad - was a nice looking building. This is near the top of the building and there is signs of the top being displaced horizontally.
Photographs of the former Nurse Maude building, 192 Madras Street, taken November 2010. Note that the Southern Blues Bar, 196 Madras Street, has since been demolished. From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Some Christchurch building owners say a bulldozer's the best option, despite the city council calling for government help to rebuild heritage buildings damaged by the earthquake.
Christchurch city buildings
Cross cracking on the Manchester Courts Building between the windows. This means that there was no vertical reinforcement in the building and it will have to come down.
Damage to buildings on Manchester Street. Scaffolding has been erected outside a building where the wall has crumbled. Fencing has been placed on the footpath to keep the public away from the damaged buildings.
A collapsed building on Worcester Street near the Press Building.
A photograph of building rubble outside the damaged Cranmer Courts building.
A photograph of building rubble outside the damaged Cranmer Courts building.
A view of the ICTS building at the University of Canterbury, seen from level 7 of the James Hight building. The photographer comments, "First looks at our new temporary (maybe) office space. Our group will stay here until April or May 2011, then will move to another floor in the Central Library. We look down on the IT Building, which is doomed. The ugly draughty IT building is going to be demolished in the next campus revamp. The 'Butterfly Building' behind, originally the mainframe computer centre, will remain, as it's architecturally significant, apparently".
The footpath in front of a building on Williams Street. As the building subsided it took part of the path with it. This gives an idea of how much this commercial building sank due to liquefaction.
A view of Victoria Street from Mod's Hair where the building and adjoining building have been damaged, and cordoned off with fencing and road cones. Piles of building rubble can be seen outside on the footpath and road.
A view of Victoria Street from Mod's Hair where the building and adjoining building have been damaged, and cordoned off with fencing and road cones. Piles of building rubble can be seen outside on the footpath and road.
A photograph of the damaged Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings.
A photograph of the damaged Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings.
A photograph of the damaged Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings.
A photograph of the damaged Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings.
A photograph of the damaged Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings.
A photograph of the damaged Canterbury Provincial Council Buildings.
A photograph of the top of a damaged building, seen behind another building.
A photograph of the top of a damaged building, seen behind another building.
Damaged buildings on Hereford Street. One of the store fronts and side wall has crumpled revealing the inside of the building. Scaffolding has been erected outside and fencing placed along the footpath, keeping people away from the dangerous buildings.