A PDF copy of a Christmas postcard design. The postcard depicts a family of 'All Righties' sharing some kai. The postcard reads, "Merry Christmas. Meri Kirihimete".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This gives some indication of the extent of liquefaction in the garden at 7 Ching Gardens".
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"They love celebrating our culture. But as for tidying their rooms..." -Qaali, Avonside. Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"They love celebrating our culture. But as for tidying their rooms..." -Qaali, Avonside. Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
A PDF copy of a Christmas card design. The front of the card shows a family sharing kai and the inside of the card reads, "Merry Christmas. Meri Kirihimete".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Keith Hague shows how the house has sunk by the ease at which he can touch the downpipes. Note the heap of liquefaction to the right of the picture".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This brand new digger bucket on Gloucester Street still has the delivery label attached. The label says it weighs 1380kg, about the weight of an average family car".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This brand new digger bucket on Gloucester Street still has the delivery label attached. The label says it weighs 1380kg, about the weight of an average family car".
A PDF copy of a poster from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, 'Petrina, Avonside: "My son loves his kai so meals are a great time to catch up." Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of brothers Ridge and Chase Kamo. The caption reads, "Te reo Māori is about being proud of our family, friends and who we are".
A PDF copy of a poster from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, 'Hollie, Sumner: "Quiet times are a real treat so we're both pretty keen on drawing." Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
A PDF copy of a poster from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, 'Mick, Lyttelton: "You think they don't want to talk to you, but they do." Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
A PDF copy of a poster from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, 'Felise, Parklands: "I know I can make a difference. I'm just finding out how." Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
A PDF copy of a poster from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, 'Paki, Upper Riccarton: "I'm learning to trust my instincts as a Mum." Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
A PDF copy of a poster from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, 'James, Southshore: "I'll never be cooler for him than I am right now." Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
A PDF copy of a poster from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, 'Anna, Lyttelton: "Some days are great, others we just have to wing it." Real families aren't picture perfect. They're messy, playful and so much better'.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A family walking past Scorpio Books (now in Cashel Mall Re:Start) soon after the cordon opened up this piece of Hereford Street".
A PDF copy of a Christmas card design. The front of the card depicts a family of 'All Righties' sharing some kai. The inside of the card reads, "Merry Christmas. Meri Kirihimete".
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Friday 10 August 2012.
A blog post from US Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, David Huebner, titled, "Friends Helping Friends".
A family walk their dogs down Avonside Drive, while a boy walks past carrying a shovel. In the background, power poles are leaning at extreme angles. The photographer comments, "Power poles in Avonside Drive developed an alarming lean".
A photograph of a parent holding a young child. She has just posted a post-it note on a noticeboard titled "What do you do that makes your family happy?" at the Celebrating Communities event in August 2015. The event was part of the All Right? mental health campaign of the CDHB.
A PDF copy of a poster advertising a Clown Doctors event at the Shirely Toy Library. The poster reads, "Humor workshops and family fun day" and provides the event details.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Liquefaction bubbled up into the shower and the bath after 22nd February and several other aftershocks. This shower has been cleaned several times, but the liquefaction keeps coming back".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Jenni and Keith Hague with Lillian and Elaine outside their home at 7 Ching Gardens. They have found somewhere else suitable to live and hope to complete the sale of this house to CERA soon".
A photograph of a children's' event run by All Right? in partnership with SKIP (Strategies with Kids | Information for Parents). All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"Some days are great, others we just have to wing it." - Anna, Lyttelton'.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"Some days are great, others we just have to wing it." - Anna, Lyttelton'.
An image from the Let's Talk About Parenting project of the All Right? campaign. The caption reads, '"Some days are great, others we just have to wing it." - Anna, Lyttelton'.
A photograph of a children's' event run by All Right? in partnership with SKIP (Strategies with Kids | Information for Parents). All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page.