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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Erica Seville of the University of Canterbury's Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering on "Organisational and Economic Resilience". The presentation was delivered at the Learning from Lifeline Week and Planning Collaborations forum as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.

Images, Canterbury Museum

One model of the Temple for Christchurch with a rectangular base of Jarrah and solid silver conical shapes and wave like walls representing the movement of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Based on the Temple for Christchurch sculpture that was designed by Hippathy Valentine.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An entry from Maxine Bennett's blog, "Blackbird Has Spoken: Having a go at this blogging lark" ( The entry for 12 February 2013 is titled "Of sorrow and salvage. Op-Shop Show-Off Feb 12th 2013". Maxine writes, "I’m Max, an English girl in, and in love with New Zealand, and the New Zealander husband. In an almost forgotten previous life I worked as a psychotherapist and psychiatric nurse; now I’m the contented stay at home mother of Claudine who's almost 3, and the baby-boy-currently-gestating. We live a quiet life in a small rural town in our arts and crafts house, but dream of moving out to some land one day, to build our own home and enjoy a long view. I like to laugh, be outside, craft, grow, op-shop, read and cook. My little Kiwi family, learning new things, quiet, beauty and reading blogs make me the happiest of all. My blog is a record of my enthusiasms, fleeting and enduring, and a means of communication with you kindred spirits near and far." Note that the blog post has been converted to PDF format for archiving, which may have resulted in changes to the formatting and layout of the page.

Research Papers, Lincoln University

Throughout 2010 and 2011, the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, suffered a series of devastating earthquakes that caused serious damage to the city. This study examines the effect these earthquakes have had on the sport of swimming in Christchurch. It specifically focuses on three different aspects of the swimming industry: indoor competitive swimming, open water swimming and learning to swim. It reports on the industry prior to the earthquakes before examining the developments subsequent to the shakes. The effects on both facilities and participation numbers were examined. Results showed that many indoor swimming facilities were lost which had significant flow-on effects. In addition, many beaches were out of bounds and almost half of the schools in Canterbury lost the use of their own swimming pools. In terms of participation numbers, results showed that while there was a decrease in the number of indoor competitive swimmers, Canterbury clubs were still highly competitive and their rankings at events either remained similar or bettered during and after the period of the earthquakes. On the other hand, an increase in the number of participants was seen in swimming lessons as temporary pools were constructed and subsidies were offered to cover transport and lesson costs. Open water swimming, however, seems to have been relatively unaffected by the earthquakes.This report was made possible through Lincoln University’s Summer Scholarship programme. The authors would also like to acknowledge those anonymous interviewees who provided some valuable insight into the swimming industry in Christchurch.

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

When the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand, at 12.51pm on 22nd February 2011, the psychological and physical landscape was irrevocably changed. In the days and weeks following the disaster communities were isolated due to failed infrastructure, continuing aftershocks and the extensive search and rescue effort which focussed resources on the central business district. In such moments the resilience of a community is truly tested. This research discusses the role of grassroots community groups in facilitating community resilience during the Christchurch 2010/11 earthquakes and the role of place in doing so. I argue that place specific strategies for urban resilience need to be enacted from a grassroots level while being supported by broader policies and agencies.  Using a case study of Project Lyttelton – a group aspiring towards a resilient sustainable future who were caught at the epicentre of the February earthquake – I demonstrate the role of a community group in creating resilience through self-organised place specific action during a disaster. The group provided emotional care, basic facilities and rebuilding assistance to the residents of Lyttelton, proving to be an invaluable asset. These actions are closely linked to the characteristics of social support and social learning that have been identified as important to socio-ecological resilience. In addition this research will seek to understand and explore the nuances of place and identity and its role in shaping resilience to such dis-placing events. Drawing on community narratives of the displacement of place identity, the potential for a progressive sense of place as instigated by local groups will be investigated as an avenue for adaptation by communities at risk of disaster and place destabilisation.