The sign reads: The CTV Building was headquarters of Canterbury Television (CTV) and also housed King’s Education language School, a medical clinic, Hair Consultants, Relationship Services and a nursing school. On February 22nd 2011 the building collapsed as a result of a major earthquake. Sadly, 115 people who were in the building lost their l...
Flowers on the fence around the empty site where the CTV building used to be.
Flowers around the section next to the site where the CTV building use to be.
The site of the demolished St. John's Anglican Church on Latimer Square. On the left is the former site of the CTV building.
A poster around the empty site where the CTV building used to be, it stays 'stand tall'.
Flowers on the cordon fence around the empty site where the CTV building once was. In the background is the NewsTalk ZB building.
Furry heart-shape tribute on the fence just down from the empty site where the CTV building was.
Damage to buildings near the intersection of Latimer Square and Hereford Street. On the left is the site where the CTV building used to be.
A poster with the words love on the fence just down from the empty site where the CTV building was.
A note on the fence around the empty site where the CTV building once was. This one commemorates Leng JinYan.
A hand painted poster on the fence around the site where the CTV building use to be. On it is the word 'Faith'.
Looking into Christchurch Central over cordon fencing and road cones. A crane can be seen in the background and on the right is the empty site where the CTV building once was.
Looking through the cordon fence from the vacant site from the demolition of St. John's Anglican Church on Latimer Square. The empty section it looks to is where CTV building use to be.
One pair of Mizuno track and field shoes, size UK 9 1/2, in blue, yellow and grey. Amongst the items left at the site of the Canterbury Television (CTV) building, which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, was this pair of shoes. They may have been left in remembrance of someone who died in the building or perhaps for someone to us...
Corner of Cashel and Madras streets, with the relatively new (built 2007) Inland Revenue Building and the white chair memorial to the 185 lives lost as a result of the 22/02/11 earthquake. The chairs sit on the site of the now demolished St Pauls Pacific Chuch and is diagonally across the intersection from the CTV (Canterbury TV) building where ...
A notice on the cordon fence around the site where the CTV building once was. It says 'Please respect this site. In recognition of the special significance this site holds for the people of our city and all those affect by the earthquakes, the Christchurch City Council is working with Canterbury Museum to preserve aspects of our remembering. Tributes may be left at this site. Older tributes will be removed from archiving by the Canterbury Museum to become part of the city's memory of the Canterbury Earthquakes. Organic materials will be composted and used in the city's gardens'.
One circular metal and plastic badge featuring an image of a girl and the words 'We [heart] you Weng'. This personalised badge featuring an image of a girl and a personal message of love, was left at the site of the Canterbury Television (CTV) building after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. It was most likely left in commemoration of someone wh...
At 12.51pm it will be 10 years since a devastating 6.2 earthquake struck Ōtautahi Christchurch, bringing down buildings and killing 185 people. A National service will get underway at half-past-12 at the city's Canterbury Earthquake Memorial site, to mark the anniversary. Maurice Gardiner's sister, Donna Manning, died in the CTV building collapse. Mr Gardiner told Māni Dunlop that at the Avonhead Cemetery this morning, he and his family joined others who have whānau buried there for a private service, where they remembered those they lost 10 years ago.
This paper presents site-specific and spatially-distributed ground-motion intensity estimates which have been utilized in the aftermath of the 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand earthquakes. The methodology underpinning the ground motion intensity estimation makes use of both prediction models for ground motion intensity and its within-event spatial correlation. A key benefit of the methodology is that the estimated ground motion intensity at a given location is not a single value but a distribution of values. The distribution is comprised of both a mean and standard deviation, with the standard deviation being a function of the distance to nearby observations at strong motion stations. The methodology is illustrated for two applications. Firstly, maps of conditional peak ground acceleration (PGA) have been developed for the major events in the Canterbury earthquake sequence, which among other things, have been utilized for assessing liquefaction triggering susceptibility of land in residential areas. Secondly, the conditional distribution of response spectral ordinates is obtained at the location of the Canterbury Television building (CTV), which catastrophically collapsed in the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The conditional response spectra provide insight for the selection of ground motion records for use in forensic seismic response analyses of important structures at locations where direct recordings are absent.