One multi-coloured soft-cover book entitled 'Quake: the Big Canterbury Earthquake of 2010' with colour photographs by David Wethey and text by Ian Stuart. ‘Quake: The Big Canterbury Earthquake of 2010’ contains aerial photographs of the damage to many major heritage sites in Canterbury between Kaiapoi and Darfield after the 4 September 2010 ear...
The Waimakariri District Libraries site. Collects material about the damaged landmarks in Kaiapoi - their history and future and a collection of stories about the earthquake and share memories and photos.
At around 11-30pm there was a cluster of earthquakes - two over magnitude five, including one at 11.40 which registered 5.4, that's equal to the strongest aftershock felt on Saturday afternoon.
Clinical psychologist Sarb Johal, formerly an adviser with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Civil Defence, on trauma and psychosocial support after Canterbury's earthquake.
Eleven million dollars has been donated so far to the Canterbury Earthquake Appeal. It comes as the Government announced early details of a recovery plan for people wanting money to fix their damaged homes or start rebuilding.
Saturday Morning's commentator on children's books talks about being in her old home city of Christchurch last Saturday during the earthquake.
Aftershocks have continued to shake Canterbury overnight following Saturday morning's brutal 7.1 earthquake.
Some Christchurch residents fear there's a risk to the region's history if headstones damaged by September's 7.1 magnitude earthquake are not repaired.
After a rush of babies born on the day of Canterbury's earthquake, the stress of the continuing tremors mean some women are now having trouble giving birth.
Jessica Maddock has been covering the quake and its aftermath throughout the past month.
Canterbury has been hit by a large aftershock, a month to the day since a seven point one magnitude earthquake rocked the region.
The earthquake which struck at 4.35 a.m. on a Saturday morning was felt by many people in the South Island and southern North Island. There was considerable damage in central Canterbury, especially in Christchurch, but no loss of life.
The Government's response to the Canterbury earthquake, and the South Canterbury Finance bail-out and republicanism.
Vice Chancellor of the University of Canterbury Dr Rod Carr writes about the 2010 Canterbury Earthquake.
Damage to the Baptist Church on Oxford Terrace. Cracks in the roof facade.
Fulton Hogan employees examining a large crack in the middle of a road in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
Large cracks along a footpath barred off by City Care tape along the river in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
Liquefaction and flooding in a street in Kaiapoi, after the September 4th earthquake.
Liquefaction 'volcanos' in Kaiapoi, after the September 4th earthquake. Silt erupted out of the ground, piling up over the surface and leaving cracks at the mouth of the volcano.
Liquefaction-damaged carpets removed from a residential propoerty in Pines Beach, after the September 4th earthquake.
Large cracks along the ground in Kaiapoi, after the September 4th earthquake.
Cracks in the path of a residential property on Hood Avenue in Pines Beach after the September 4th earthquake.
Workers survey a street in Avonside where there are large cracks, piles of liquefaction dug up from people's houses, fenced off portions of the street and an army vehicle parked, after the September 4th earthquake.
Police tape cordons off large cracks in the road beside large piles of liquefaction dug from people's houses on a street in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
A large crack in the centre of a street in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
Liquefaction on the side of a road in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
An army truck in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
A large crack in the centre of a street in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
Cracks and liquefaction on a street in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
Large cracks on a street in Avonside barred off with police tape after the September 4th earthquake.