A private pool on a property on Avonside Drive. The pool has lifted out of its casing and now looks like an above ground pool.
Close up of the foundations of a house on Avonside Drive. The top of the house has shifted during the quake, leaving a displacement between the house and the foundations about five centimetres wide.
A braced brick chimney on a house in Avonside.
Cracks along the footpath along Avonside Drive. In the distance workers are digging up the road. Road cones line the street and a "road closed" sign is visible.
A buckled bridge on Avonside Drive.
A buckled bridge on Avonside Drive.
A buckled bridge on Avonside Drive.
A twisted bridge on Avonside Drive.
A house in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "Avonside Drive, near Morris St".
A house in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "Avonside Drive, near Morris St".
A woman inspecting a crack in the footpath in Avonside. Cones on either side warn pedestrians and cyclists of the uneven surface.
A crack in the footpath in Avonside with cones around it to warn pedestrians and cyclists.
A damaged property on Avonside Drive. Cracks can be seen running through the lawn. A woman is standing on a slab of concrete that has been raised by the earthquake.
Flooding along Avonside Drive. The power poles along the road are on an outward lean due to liquefaction at the base. Concrete blocks have been pushed up against them to keep them upright.
Cracks along the driveway and lawn of a property on Avonside Drive.
Boarded up houses on Bowie Place.
Underground infrastructure being repaired on Avonside Drive.
A house in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "Corner Avonside Drive and Morris St".
A house in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "Corner of Morris St and Avonside Drive".
A red-stickered house in Avonside. This means the house is unsafe to enter. A crack can be seen running through the lawn and a slab of concrete in the driveway has lifted up.
Western entrance off Avonside Drive.
A hole in the side of the road along Avonside Drive. A blue pipe can be seen inside the hole. Pipes like this were used to provide temporary water supplies to the neighbourhood while the water system was being repaired.
The Avon River in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "Avon River and Avonside Drive, near Robson Ave. Taken approx 317 River Road".
Trees on River Road in Avonside, seen before the earthquakes. The photographer comments, "River Rd, looking across to corner of Avonside Drive and Bracken St".
The driveway of a house on Avonside Drive. One of the concrete slabs has lifted and the owner has tried to fill the gap with blocks of wood. Unfortunately, these have come loose and are sticking out of the hole.
A red-stickered house in Avonside. This means the house is unsafe to enter. A crack can be seen running through the lawn.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Footbridge, Avonside Drive".
Cracks along the road in Avonside Drive. The riverbank has slumped towards the river, separating the land from the road and creating these cracks. Road cones warn drivers of the uneven surface. In the distance, a pile of liquefaction can be seen in front of a house.
A family walk their dogs down Avonside Drive, while a boy walks past carrying a shovel. In the background, power poles are leaning at extreme angles. The photographer comments, "Power poles in Avonside Drive developed an alarming lean".
A slumped garage on a property along Avonside Drive.