A story submitted by David Chilvers to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Jo Wicken to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Mike Ryan to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Peter Symms to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Camille O'Donoghue to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Amanda Fuller to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Emma-Jane to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Adele Geradts to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Julie Miller to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Val Smith to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Anonymous to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Hege to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Laura Campbell to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Elizabeth to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Robyna Smith to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Anonymous to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Rebecca to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Katie to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Linda Grainger to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Kris to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Lynne Stewart to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Adam to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Allie to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Rachel to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Keryn to the QuakeStories website.
People viewing the badly-damaged Catholic Cathedral from behind a wire fence.
A close up of damaged to the brickwork of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 3 February 2013 entitled, "This and that...".
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 25 February 2011 entitled, "Broken....".
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 3 March 2011 entitled, "Kia Kaha...".