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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Post-earthquake most people would say it was difficult to find housing in Christchurch. But reports suggest that the market has flattened. And terraced housing and apartments are sitting empty. Christchurch Council finance committee chairman, Councillor Raf Manji, discusses future developments like The East Frame.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The many arts organisations left homeless by the Christchurch earthquake, including the Christchurch Arts Festival and the Symphony Orchestra, have received good news this week from Creative New Zealand. We hear from CEO of Creative New Zealand Stephen Wainwright, manager of the Christchurch Arts Festival Steph Walker, and James Caygill from the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Donations to the Canterbury earthquake fund now total about $11 million. It comes as the Government announced early details of a recovery plan for people wanting money to fix their damaged homes or start rebuilding.