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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of street art on the wall of a building on Colombo Street. The artwork is by Otis Frizzell and depicts police officer Constable Nao Yoshimizu comforting the grieving relative of an earthquake victim. Constable Yoshimizu acted as liaison officer for the families of Japanese victims of the earthquake. The mural was commissioned by the New Zealand Police as a recruitment advertisement.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A weather-damaged Chinese lantern fallen to the ground in Victoria Square. The Chinese New Year Lantern Festival was to be held on Saturday 26 February and Sunday 27 February 2011 but was cancelled due to the earthquake. The lanterns hung in Victoria Square until they fell.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to R&R Sport on the corner of Colombo and Tuam Streets. Most of the side wall has crumbled, the bricks spilling onto the footpath below. Plywood and plastic sheeting has been used to weather proof the building. Wire fencing and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon. A cherry picker is parked on the footpath in between the building and the fence.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Montgomery's Building on the corner of Colombo and Tuam Streets. Large sections of the façade have collapsed, exposing the inside of the building. The bricks and other rubble have mostly been cleared from the footpath and street in front. Wire fences have been placed around the building as a cordon. In the distance there is a large pile of bricks on a property where another building has collapsed.