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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of stretchers and blankets in Cowles Stadium on Pages Road. The stadium was set up by Civil Defence as temporary accommodation for citizens displaced by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. In the background are a stack of mattresses and a cot.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Octagon Live Restaurant, formerly Trinity Congregational Church, on the corner of Manchester and Worcester Street. This was further damaged in the 23 December 2011 earthquake when a big piece of the rose window fell out".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Montreal and Kilmore Streets. A large section of the building has crumbled, masonry spilling onto the footpath below. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.

Research Papers, Lincoln University

Successful urban regeneration projects generate benefits that are realised over a much longer timeframe than normal market developments and benefits well beyond those that can be uplifted by a market developer. Consequently there is substantial evidence in the literature that successful place-making and urban regeneration projects are usually public-private partnerships and involve a funder, usually local or central government, willing to contribute ‘patient’ capital. Following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes that devastated the centre of Christchurch, there was an urgent need to rebuild and revitalise the heart of the city, and increasing the number of people living in or near the city centre was seen as a key ingredient of that. In October 2010, an international competition was launched to design and build an Urban Village, a project intended to stimulate renewed residential development in the city. The competition attracted 58 entrants from around world, and in October 2013 the winning team was chosen from four finalists. However the team failed to secure sufficient finance, and in November 2015 the Government announced that the development would not proceed. The Government was unwilling or unable to recognise that an insistence on a pure market approach would not deliver the innovative sustainable village asked for in the competition brief, and failed to factor in the opportunity cost to government, local government, local businesses and the wider Christchurch community of delaying by many years the residential development of the eastern side of the city. As a result, the early vision of the vitality that a thriving residential neighbourhood would bring to the city has not yet been realised.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The lived reality of the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes and its implications for the Waimakariri District, a small but rapidly growing district (third tier of government in New Zealand) north of Christchurch, can illustrate how community well-being, community resilience, and community capitals interrelate in practice generating paradoxical results out of what can otherwise be conceived as a textbook ‘best practice’ case of earthquake recovery. The Waimakariri District Council’s integrated community based recovery framework designed and implemented post-earthquakes in the District was built upon strong political, social, and moral capital elements such as: inter-institutional integration and communication, participation, local knowledge, and social justice. This approach enabled very positive community outputs such as artistic community interventions of the urban environment and communal food forests amongst others. Yet, interests responding to broader economic and political processes (continuous central government interventions, insurance and reinsurance processes, changing socio-cultural patterns) produced a significant loss of community capitals (E.g.: social fragmentation, participation exhaustion, economic leakage, etc.) which simultaneously, despite local Council and community efforts, hindered community well-being in the long term. The story of the Waimakariri District helps understand how resilience governance operates in practice where multi-scalar, non-linear, paradoxical, dynamic, and uncertain outcomes appear to be the norm that underpins the construction of equitable, transformative, and sustainable pathways towards the future.

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

The standard way in which disaster damages are measured involves examining separately the number of fatalities, of injuries, of people otherwise affected, and the financial damage that natural disasters cause. Here, we implement a novel way to aggregate these separate measures of disaster impact and apply it to two catastrophic events from 2011: the Christchurch (New Zealand) earthquakes and the Greater Bangkok (Thailand) flood. This new measure, which is similar to the World Health Organization's calculation of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost due to the burden of diseases and injuries, is described in detail in Noy [7]. It allows us to conclude that New Zealand lost 180 thousand lifeyears as a result of the 2011 events, and Thailand lost 2644 thousand lifeyears. In per capita terms, the loss is similar, with both countries losing about 15 days per person due to the 2011 catastrophic events in these two countries. © This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license

Research Papers, Lincoln University

Creativity that is driven by a need for physical or economic survival, which disasters are likely to inspire, raises the question of whether such creativity fits with conventional theories and perspectives of creativity. In this paper we use the opportunity afforded by the 2010-2013 Christchurch, New Zealand earthquakes to follow and assess the creative practices and responses of a number of groups and individuals. We use in-depth interviews to tease out motivations and read these against a range of theoretical propositions about creativity. In particular, we focus on the construct of “elite panic” and the degree to which this appeared to be evident in the Christchurch earthquakes context. Bureaucratic attempts to control or limit creativity were present but they did not produce a completely blanket dampening effect. Certain individuals and groups seemed to be pre-equipped to navigate or ignore potential blocks to creativity. We argue, using Geir Kaufmann’s novelty-creativity matrix and aspects of Teresa Amabile’s and Michael G. Pratt’s revised componential theory of creativity that a special form of disaster creativity does exist.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A collapsed section of the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Montreal Street and Kilmore Street. Safety fences have been erected around the building to prevent the public getting close enough to it to be endangered by falling masonry in the event of another earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The front of Liquidity Bar on Oxford Terrace, a yellow-sticker in the window. Inspecting engineers have spray-painted the windows with 'TF3 clear 24/2 0720' and 'USA 2'. A poster stuck on the front right wall advertises a music event from before the February 2011 earthquake.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An outline, created in 2011, of the levels of service and condition of the horizontal infrastructure within the central city, providing a broad indication of damage, service levels provided to residents and business owners, and used to estimate the cost of repairs following the earthquake events.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A house on Avonside Drive showing damage from the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Numerous cracks in the masonry can be seen, and several sections of brick have fallen off the walls. The building's porch has also collapsed. A pile of dried liquefaction is visible in the driveway.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A house on Acland Avenue in Avonside that has been abandoned due to damage from the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The house's front garden has become overgrown and weeds have grown up through the cracks in its driveway. Its chimneys have collapsed and have been weather proofed with tarpaulins.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A close-up photograph of parts of the Townsend Telescope recovered from the rubble of the Observatory tower. The telescope was housed in the tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre. It was severely damaged when the tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of emergency personnel in Cowles Stadium on Pages Road. The stadium was set up by Civil Defence as temporary accommodation for citizens displaced by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. In the foreground, the registration table has a Civil Defence sign reading, "Please register here".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on the corner of Barbadoes and Armagh Streets. The top storey of the building has crumbled, spilling rubble onto the pavement. Steel fences and road cones have been placed around the rubble as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Jess Hollis, a member of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team in their temporary office in the James Hight building. The photographer comments, "Yet another change of workplace for our E-Learning group, as the University juggles people and buildings to carry out earthquake repairs. My desk with Jess behind".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An article from the Media Studies Journal of Aotearoa New Zealand Volume 14, Number 1. The article is titled, "Heroic Radio: a study of radio responses in the immediate aftermath of the September 2010 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand". It was written by Ruth Zanker.