For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. The podium which formerly held the Godley statue. Behind is the Regent Theatre dome which has been removed from the building.
A photograph of a sign protesting the red stickering of Avoca Valley houses. The sign reads, "459 days since being evicted from our Avoca Valley homes. Communities make a city. Decisions now! Let us go home. Facebook: Avoca Valley Earthquake Recovery Authority".
A photograph of a sign protesting the red stickering of Avoca Valley houses. The sign reads, "459 days since being evicted from our Avoca Valley homes. Communities make a city. Decisions now! Let us go home. Facebook: Avoca Valley Earthquake Recovery Authority".
A close-up photograph of parts of the Townsend Telescope recovered from the rubble of the Observatory tower. The telescope was housed in the tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre. It was severely damaged when the tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a sign protesting the red stickering of Avoca Valley houses. The sign reads, "459 days since being evicted from our Avoca Valley homes. Communities make a city. Decisions now! Let us go home. Facebook: Avoca Valley Earthquake Recovery Authority".
The lids of septic tanks that have been buried in the ground beside the footpath on Robson Avenue in Avonside. These tanks were installed in front of Avonside properties to allow residents to use their toilets after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph of parts of the Townsend Telescope recovered from the rubble of the Observatory tower. The telescope was housed in the tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre. It was severely damaged when the tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
The collapsed chimney of a property on Robson Avenue in Avonside. It has fallen on to the property's front lawn as a result of the 4 September 2010 earthquake, and the roof it fell from has been weather proofed with a red tarpaulin.
A digger demolishes Henry Africa's restaurant. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. The left half. Janes Bar and one of the upstairs flats were still standing today, but they'll be gone soon".
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 19 November 2012 entitled, "Christchurch: Trying to make sense of living here....".
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 17 July 2013 entitled, "ps, I love you too".
Successful urban regeneration projects generate benefits that are realised over a much longer timeframe than normal market developments and benefits well beyond those that can be uplifted by a market developer. Consequently there is substantial evidence in the literature that successful place-making and urban regeneration projects are usually public-private partnerships and involve a funder, usually local or central government, willing to contribute ‘patient’ capital. Following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes that devastated the centre of Christchurch, there was an urgent need to rebuild and revitalise the heart of the city, and increasing the number of people living in or near the city centre was seen as a key ingredient of that. In October 2010, an international competition was launched to design and build an Urban Village, a project intended to stimulate renewed residential development in the city. The competition attracted 58 entrants from around world, and in October 2013 the winning team was chosen from four finalists. However the team failed to secure sufficient finance, and in November 2015 the Government announced that the development would not proceed. The Government was unwilling or unable to recognise that an insistence on a pure market approach would not deliver the innovative sustainable village asked for in the competition brief, and failed to factor in the opportunity cost to government, local government, local businesses and the wider Christchurch community of delaying by many years the residential development of the eastern side of the city. As a result, the early vision of the vitality that a thriving residential neighbourhood would bring to the city has not yet been realised.
A copy of a letter from Empowered Christchurch which was sent to Gerry Brownlee, Minsiter for the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, on 15 April 2014. The letter lodges an Official Information Act request about Imminent Loss claims settled by the EQC since September 2010.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "185 Chairs, an art installation by Peter Majendie, as a memorial to those who died as a result of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The chairs were chosen to reflect the variety of people who died".
A concrete slab blocking access to the Medway Street footbridge. The footbridge was badly warped in the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Someone has spray painted graffiti on the concrete block. Behind the concrete is a section of safety fence further blocking access.
A sand volcano in the Halswell Primary School grounds near the playground. Sand volcanoes were caused by liquefaction where the soil loses its strength during the earthquake and the silt rises upwards, ejecting out of a hole like magma in a volcano.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Loyal Benevolent Lodge on Canon Street. Bricks at the top of the façade have crumbled and fallen to the ground, bringing the awning with them. Large cracks can be seen in the remaining brick wall.
A photograph looking north up Colombo Street across the intersection of Kilmore Street. The buildings on either side of the street have been severely damaged by the earthquakes. The rubble and other debris has since been cleared from the street and footpaths.
Earthquake damage down New Brighton Road. There is cracking on the footpath and cars are parked on the front lawns as silt from liquefaction still remains on the street curb. A van with a 'school' sign can be seen driving down the road.
A photograph of an earthquake damaged house. USAR teams have spray-painted a message on the side of the house. The message reads, "Pile cleared by dogs, 4 March". To the left, a pile of rubble is lying next to the house.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Manikin against sculpture in Cathedral Square. This began as light relief for the crews working within the cordon in the weeks after the February earthquake where the manikins were strategically positioned around the red zone at night".
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on Oxford Terrace. The wall to the right has collapsed, the concrete blocks spilling onto the footpath in front. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the ground at the entrance of the building.
A photograph of rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings along Colombo Street near the intersection with St Asaph Street. On the left-hand side of the street cars have been crushed by falling rubble. The road has been cordoned off with wire fencing.
A photograph of High Street looking towards the intersection of Manchester and Lichfield Streets. Rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings litters the street to the right. In the distance excavators are clearing rubble from Manchester and High Streets while emergency management personnel look on.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Country Theme store on St Asaph Street. Sections of the façade crumbled. The bricks have been cleared from the footpath below. Steel fencing and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of members of the New Zealand Police using a rescue dog to inspect an earthquake-damaged house in Christchurch. The front and side of the house has collapsed, the bricks and other rubble spilling onto the garden, exposing the rooms inside.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Montreal and Kilmore Streets. A large section of the building has crumbled, masonry spilling onto the footpath below. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Brannigan's building on the corner of Gloucester Street and Oxford Terrace. Many of the windows down the centre of the building have broken. There are also cracks in the panels beneath many of the windows.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Country Theme store on St Asaph Street. Sections of the façade crumbled. The bricks have been cleared from the footpath below. Steel fencing and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Painted Room on Colombo Street. The roof has collapsed into the building, damaging the front wall and breaking the glass windows. Wire fencing and police tape have been placed around the building as a cordon.