For some of us, that title may have conjured up childhood memories of making ‘sand-saucer’ gardens for the local flower show or ‘pet and garden’ day at school. But I’ve actually something different in mind. We have found quite a … Continue reading →
Two pink and two purple artificial fabric roses with plastic stems and fabric leaves tied together with pink metallic string. The pink flowers have additional plastic leaves with white bead like additions.
A pink and two purple artificial fabric roses with plastic stems and fabric leaves tied together with pink metallic string. The purple flowers has additional plastic leaves with white bead like additions.
Glass vase with scalloped rim which flares out from base. The lower portion of the vase is cut in with vertical lines and the upper portion decorated in relief with leaves and flowers. Vase is dirty.
A photograph of All Right? staff members (including Donovan Ryan, left) before putting on their giant 'All Rightie' heads. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 25 July 2014 at 4:01pm with the caption, "And the All Righties (of course)".
A photograph of 'All Righties' at a Shirley Intermediate School assembly. The photograph was taken at the Winter Survival Kit launch. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 25 July 2014 at 4:01pm with the caption, "Gatecrash it with giant heads...".
A photograph of an 'All Rightie' hugging a teacher at the Winter Survival Kit launch at Shirley Intermediate School. Another teacher is to the left of the 'All Rightie'. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 25 July 2014 at 4:02pm with the caption, "And you'll make them smile...".
A photograph of the Winter Survival Kit flyers. The images and ideas in the pamphlet are based on the 'Five Ways of Wellbeing', promoted by the Mental Health Foundation NZ and All Right?. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 25 July 2014 at 4:01pm with the caption, "Filled with tips to help Cantabrians enjoy Winter...".
A photograph of Shirley Intermediate School pupils at a school assembly. The photograph was taken at the All Right? Winter Survival Kit launch. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 25 July 2014 at 4:01pm with the caption, "Find a school assembly (this one courtesy of Shirley Intermediate)".
A photograph of Ciaran Fox and the 'All Righties' presenting the Winter Survival Kit at a Shirley Intermediate School assembly. The photograph was taken at the Winter Survival Kit launch. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 25 July 2014 at 4:01pm with the caption, "That share the love...".
A photograph of the Winter Survival Kits. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook Timeline on 25 July 2014 at 4:01pm with the caption, "Take a thousand Winter Survival Kits...".
A PDF copy of a coffee voucher in collaboration with Underground Coffee and BNZ. The vouchers were given away as part of Outrageous Burst: Flower Bombing. On the front the voucher reads, "When did you last really catch up? Enjoy a 2-for-1 coffee this September." On the back the voucher reads, "Quality time with good friends can be the best medicine. To get a free Underground coffee, bring this voucher and a friend into one of the following locations: JB's Cafe in Ballantynes; Perry's Cafe on Madras St; Underground Coffee in Sydenham. Join the conversation: facebook.com/allrightnz".
A photograph of a half-finished flower mosaic. The mosaic has been made out of pieces of broken china which have been laid over a paper design. Mesh has also been placed over the design so that it can be transferred easily to Crack's for Christchurch's concrete chair. Other pieces of china are scattered around the mosaic.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "Marie begins the very first flower. It is so difficult and time consuming that we are all in despair. Will this take forever? No-one is getting paid and we all have jobs and lives in some chaos thanks to the earthquakes."
A PDF copy of a coffee voucher in collaboration with Underground Coffee and BNZ. The vouchers were given away as part of Outrageous Burst: Flower Bombing. On the front the voucher reads, "When did you last really catch up? Enjoy a 2-for-1 coffee this September." On the back the voucher reads, "Quality time with good friends can be the best medicine. To get a free Underground coffee, bring this voucher and a friend into one of the following locations: JB's Cafe in Ballantynes; Perry's Cafe on Madras St; Underground Coffee in Sydenham. Join the conversation: facebook.com/allrightnz".
A photograph of members of Crack'd for Christchurch attaching one of the flower mosaics to their armchair artwork.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "Jennie Cooper and Jayne White."
A string quartet from Christchurch Girls High School plays on the riverbank before the River of Flowers event held in Riccarton Bush, commemorating the second anniversary of the 22 February earthquake. In the foreground people wait for the event to start.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. A stuffed figurine is dressed as a Crusaders rugby player.
A string quartet from Christchurch Girls High School plays on the riverbank before the River of Flowers event held in Riccarton Bush, commemorating the second anniversary of the 22 February earthquake. In the foreground people wait for the event to start.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. A stuffed figurine is dressed as a Crusaders rugby player.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. Detail of some decoration with a Crusader's towel and a plastic butterfly.
On the one year anniversary of the February 22nd, flowers were placed in road cones across Christchurch to remember the earthquake victims. These two cone are next to a road sign that says 'Footpath closed. Please use other site'.
On the one year anniversary of the February 22nd, flowers were placed in road cones across Christchurch to remember the earthquake victims. This cone is next to a road sign that says 'Footpath closed. Please use other site'.
A photograph of members of Crack'd for Christchurch removing the excess adhesive from a mosaic flower on their armchair artwork.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "...and only 59 to go."
A photograph of members of Crack'd for Christchurch polishing the flower mosaics on their armchair artwork.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "From left: Jennie Cooper, Helen Campbell, and Jenny Cooper."
A photograph of street art on a building in New Brighton. The artwork includes the phrases "No one is superior, everyone is special", "Occupy Equality Street", and "Love is the child of freedom".
Christchurch is rightly or wrongly traditionally thought of as an English city, but at every turn we can see a glimpse of England’s arch enemy…the Scots. While they may now technically be at peace, they do still meet annually on … Continue reading →
A close-up photograph of a flower at Agropolis urban farm on the corner of High Street and Tuam Street. The photograph was taken during a working bee, which was part of FESTA 2014.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black and the inside filled with Crusaders memorabilia and a stuffed figurine representing a rugby player.
Portaloos on the Pine Mound, part of Festival of Flowers. Each portaloo was decorated with various floral features. This one has been decorated in Canterbury colours, red and black. Detail of butterflies inside near the figurine dressed as a rugby player's foot.
Two pink and two purple artificial fabric roses with plastic stems and fabric leaves tied together with a red fabric heart on a wooden stick using purple metallic string. The pink flower has additional plastic leaves with white bead like additions.