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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A member of the Fire Service entering the Forsyth Barr building through a window in order to check for people trapped by the 22 February 2011 earthquake. A sign reading, "Help" has been stuck to one of the windows and a window above has already been broken by the team.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

South Island Operations Manager, Jeoff Barr, loading chemical toilets into a unimog in Christchurch. CPL Eddington is on the unimog helping. The chemical toilets were delivered to residents in Christchurch who had been without water for ten days.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The opening credits of "Draquila - Italy Trembles" at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project. "Draquila - Italy Trembles" is a documentary that examines the Berlusconi government's corruption and abuse of power during the aftermath of the 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy. It was directed by Sabina Guzzanti.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the badly-damaged John Bull Cycles building on the corner of Colombo Street and Tuam Street. Most of the building's facade has fallen away and it has been cordoned off with wire fencing. Signs indicating that the business has relocated can be seen in the window.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Elizabeth Ackermann removing a poster from the kitchen of a flat on Poplar Street. This was part of the Residential Access Project which gave residents temporary access within the red-zone cordon in order to retrieve items from their homes after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A discarded shoe that has been left on the grass beside Cashel Street in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Behind it, emergency personnel can be seen helping themselves to food provided to refuel them while searching for trapped people in the ruins of the Canterbury Television Building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the damaged former Lyttelton Borough Council Chambers on the north-east corner of the intersection between Sumner Road and Oxford Street. The top of the facade has crumbled onto the street below and wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker handling a jackhammer on Kingsford Street in Burwood. This was part of the opening of the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT). Earthquake Recovery Minister Jerry Brownlee and a contractor are looking on.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

South Island Operations Manager, Jeoff Barr, loading chemical toilets into a unimog in Christchurch. PTE Taylor and PTE Dennis on the unimog help. The chemical toilets were delivered to residents in Christchurch who had been without water for ten days.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The Our City O-Tautahi Building on Worcester Boulevard, photographed shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The top of the gable has broken and many of the glass windows have smashed. Broken glass is littered on the pavement in front.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to Woodham Road near the intersection with Carnarvon Street. The white line in the centre of the road now wavers due to the tar seal buckling. Road cones have been placed over cracks in the road to warn road users.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the front of the badly-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral. The Rose Window has been removed and steel bracing is holding up the remains of the front facade. A large pile of rubble from the partially-demolished tower can be see to the left.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of children standing on the plinth where the statue of John Robert Godley, Canterbury's founder, once stood. Members of the public are viewing the damaged cathedral from a walkway that was opened up between Re:Start Mall and Cathedral Square to allow temporary public access.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A truck used to drain the septic tanks installed in front of Avonside properties to allow residents to use their toilets after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The truck's operator has parked it beside the Avon River on Avonside Drive while he takes a break from working.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph looking west down Cashel Street towards the intersection with Manchester. On the right is a severely damaged building. Rubble from the top storey has fallen onto the street. In the distance, the Grand Chancellor can be seen, with the slump in the left side noticeable.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A worker repairs a leaning power pole in Bexley. The photographer comments, "I was told that this electricity pole in Bexley always leans after every big earthquake. Maybe it might take more than a one man and one shovel to put 'straight'".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A road cone on the side of Kingsford Street in the Horseshoe Lake district. The cone has been decorated to look like an angel for Christmas. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "There is something particularly appealing about the decoration provided for this cone".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A road cone on the side of Kingsford Street in the Horseshoe Lake district. The cone has been decorated to look like Santa Claus. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "There is something particularly appealing about the decoration provided for this cone".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a detail of the front of Christ Church Cathedral. A stained-glass window remains intact despite the collapsed stonework that surrounds it. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled. Steel bracing has been placed against the wall to limit further damage.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A road cone on the side of Kingsford Street in the Horseshoe Lake district. The cone has been decorated to look like Santa Claus. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "There is something particularly appealing about the decoration provided for this cone".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Emergency personnel gathered on Madras Street outside the collapsed Canterbury Television building. A digger and the Urban Search and Rescue team can be seen searching the rubble while fire fighters work to extinguish the fire in the building.