Damage to the backs of buildings in Cashel Mall. The upper storeys have partially collapsed, and large cracks run through the lower parts of the buildings.
A photograph of a damaged house perched on the edge of the cliffs above Sumner. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Redcliffs from Sumner Beach".
A photograph of a damaged house. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This house is clearly unoccupied. 8 Jean Batten Place, Horseshoe Lake, Burwood".
A photograph of road damage in Queensbury Street. The photographer says, "Many of the road disturbances are along the curb side requiring fill to level them".
A photograph of a fire-damaged building in High Street. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Tuam Street and High Street shops, CBD. By Alice's".
An aerial photograph looking north-west over High Street with the damaged McKenzie & Willis store in the centre, and Alice in Videoland to the left.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The buildings of the former Wards Brewery, also known as Crichton Cobbers, further damaged in the 23 December 2011 earthquake".
A view over cordon fencing towards the damaged Ground Culinary Centre and cafe. Bricks have crumbled from the walls and remain piled up on the footpath.
Reinforced concrete buildings that satisfied modern seismic design criteria generally behaved as expected during the recent Canterbury and Kaikoura earthquakes in New Zealand, forming plastic hinges in intended locations. While this meant that life-safety performance objectives were met, widespread demolition and heavy economic losses took place in the aftermath of the earthquakes.The Christchurch central business district was particularly hard hit, with over 60% of the multistorey reinforced concrete buildings being demolished. A lack of knowledge on the post-earthquake residual capacity of reinforced concrete buildings was a contributing factor to the mass demolition.Many aspects related to the assessment of earthquake-damaged reinforced concrete buildings require further research. This thesis focusses on improving the state of knowledge on the post earthquakeresidual capacity and reparability of moderately damaged plastic hinges, with an emphasis on plastic hinges typical of modern moment frame structures. The repair method focussed on is epoxy injection of cracks and patching of spalled concrete. A targeted test program on seventeen nominally identical large-scale ductile reinforced concrete beams, three of which were repaired by epoxy injection following initial damaging loadings, was conducted to support these objectives. Test variables included the loading protocol, the loading rate, and the level of restraint to axial elongation.The information that can be gleaned from post-earthquake damage surveys is investigated. It is shown that residual crack widths are dependent on residual deformations, and are not necessarily indicative of the maximum rotation demands or the plastic hinge residual capacity. The implications of various other types of damage typical of beam and column plastic hinges are also discussed.Experimental data are used to demonstrate that the strength and deformation capacity of plastic hinges with modern seismic detailing are often unreduced as a result of moderate earthquake induced damage, albeit with certain exceptions. Special attention is given to the effects of prior yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement, accounting for the low-cycle fatigue and strain ageing phenomena. A material-level testing program on the low-cycle fatigue behaviour of grade 300E reinforcing steel was conducted to supplement the data available in the literature.A reduction in stiffness, relative to the initial secant stiffness to yield, occurs due to moderate plastic hinging damage. This reduction in stiffness is shown to be correlated with the ductility demand,and a proposed model gives a conservative lower-bound estimate of the residual stiffness following an arbitrary earthquake-type loading. Repair by epoxy injection is shown to be effective in restoring the majority of stiffness to plastic hinges in beams. Epoxy injection is also shown to have implications for the residual strength and elongation characteristics of repaired plastic hinges.
Weeds are growing through cracks in the pavement outside abandoned properties on Seabreeze Close, Bexley.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Orari Street, Bexley. Changes to the water level have taken place in this property".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Broken pavement at the entrance to Avon Rowing Club, at Kerrs Reach".
Damage to the A and T Burt building on Ferry Road in Woolston. Masonry has collapsed from the top section of the building's front wall, exposing its ceiling.
Damage to the Music Centre of Christchurch building on Barbadoes Street. Tarpaulins have been used to weather proof gaps in the building's gables from where masonry has fallen.
Damage to the Music Centre of Christchurch building on Barbadoes Street. Tarpaulins have been used to weather proof gaps in the building's gables from where masonry has fallen.
A photograph submitted by Caroline Oliver to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Demoilition of one of the 2 damaged chimneys, Cashmere hills 1920 weatherboard house, in March 2011.".
A photograph submitted by Caroline Oliver to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Demoilition of one of the 2 damaged chimneys, Cashmere hills 1920 weatherboard house, in March 2011.".
A photograph submitted by Caroline Oliver to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Demoilition of one of the 2 damaged chimneys, Cashmere hills 1920 weatherboard house, in March 2011.".
A photograph submitted by Caroline Oliver to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Demoilition of one of the 2 damaged chimneys, Cashmere hills 1920 weatherboard house, in March 2011.".
A photograph submitted by Caroline Oliver to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Demoilition of one of the 2 damaged chimneys, Cashmere hills 1920 weatherboard house, in March 2011.".
Detail of the partially-demolished Henry Africa's building. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. Windows".
A photograph of temporary artwork in front of the badly-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral. The artworks were created by Chris Heaphy and Sarah Hughes as part of the Transitional Cathedral Square works.
A view through a safety fence to the damaged Bridge Tavern in Kaiapoi. Severe cracks in the building's foundations can be seen, and the front decking has sagged.
A story submitted by Rosie Belton to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Bertha and Robert Tobias to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Mary Browne to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Selena to the QuakeStories website.
Damage to a building on Ferry Road. The side walls have partially collapsed, and part of the brick wall is bowing outwards in danger of further collapse.
Damage to a building on Ferry Road. The side walls have partially collapsed, and part of the brick wall is bowing outwards in danger of further collapse.
Damage to the building housing Java Coffee House, on the corner of High and Lichfield Streets. The facade of the upper storey has collapsed, destroying the awnings below.