Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Acland Ave and other nearby residents upset about houses that are green stickered but are unlivable and they cannot access any relief funds. A meeting in the cul-de-sac where there are still piles of liquefaction".
A photograph of cards, pencils, stickers and other arts and crafts supplies at the All Right? stall. An All Right? poster and balloon can be seen beside a small flax kete. The photograph was taken at Rehua Marae during Matariki 2016.
Civil Defence staff conferring at their headquarters in the Christchurch Art Gallery during the immediate aftermath of the 22 February earthquake. On the back wall maps of the city on which areas of importance have been marked with stickers and marker pens can be seen.
A red-stickered building on Canterbury Street in Lyttelton. The building's facade has been propped up with timber, steel and concrete block bracing, and one of its windows has been weather proofed with plywood. Wire fencing has been place around the building as a cordon.
The front of Liquidity Bar on Oxford Terrace, a yellow-sticker in the window. Inspecting engineers have spray-painted the windows with 'TF3 clear 24/2 0720' and 'USA 2'. A poster stuck on the front right wall advertises a music event from before the February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph submitted by Philip Broderick Willis to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "We took this photo over a year after the quake. It was in a red-stickered restaurant in Cashel Mall. You can see exactly what the people in this building were doing on Feb 22.".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Nicolas Keen (L) and Mike Whiteford are reluctant to leave their flats in South Brighton after having suddenly been told by the council they have to move out after initially been give green stickers after the Christchurch earthquake".
St John's Presbyterian Church on Winchester Street in Lyttelton. The ground around the church is strewn with masonry that has fallen from the church's walls and collapsed tower. The building's front door has been red-stickered and a sign that reads "No entry" is stuck to it.
A damaged brick building on Centaurus Road with "Danger Keep Out" tape around the property. The brick walls have cracked and broken above two of the windows and a red sticker has been placed on the front window indicating that the building is unsafe to enter.
A sign outside the Chinwag Eathai restaurant on Victoria Street reads "To all our valued customers. We are sorry to inform you as of Tuesday 17th January 2012 our building has been red stickered. Don't worry we will be back at a new location!! Yet to be confirmed".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Nicolas Keen (L) and Mike Whiteford are reluctant to leave their flats in South Brighton after having suddenly been told by the council they have to move out after initially been given green stickers after the Christchurch earthquake".
Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath PWS-2010-09-09-DSC02063
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Acland Ave and other nearby residents upset about houses that are green stickered being unliveable. They cannot access any relief funds. Acland Ave resident Toby Grant (7) outside his house where a Port-a-loo stands in the front yard".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Acland Ave and other nearby residents upset about houses that are green stickered being unliveable. They cannot access any relief funds. Acland Ave resident Toby Grant (7) outside his house where a Port-a-loo stands in the front yard".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Acland Ave and other nearby residents upset about houses that are green stickered being unliveable. They cannot access any relief funds. Acland Ave resident Toby Grant (7) outside his house where a Port-a-loo stands in the front yard".
The fish and chip shop on Hills Road in Edgeware. The building is red stickered meaning it is unsafe to enter. Without the glass in the window, the inside of the store is easy to see. Panelling on the walls and roof have come down and much of the furniture has been removed.
A house in Christchurch with a red sticker on the window indicating that it is unsafe to enter. "No entry" and a large cross have also been spray painted on the front fence to warn people off. On the right side of the house, a tarpaulin can be seen covering a collapsed brick wall.
St Johns Church on Hereford Street with damage to the tip of the archway and a red sticker on the door indicating that the building is unsafe to enter. The side of the church has been braced to stabilise the west wall and limit further damage from aftershocks.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Acland Ave and other nearby residents upset about houses that are green stickered but are unlivable and they cannot access any relief funds. Acland Ave resident Toby Grant (7) outside his house where a portaloo stands in the front yard".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake aftermath. Council works moving furniture of Mike Whiteford who has been forced to leave his flat in South Brighton after being told by the council they have to move out after initially been given green stickers after the Christchurch earthquake".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake aftermath. Council workers moving furniture of Mike Whiteford who has been forced to leave his flat in South Brighton after being told by the council they have to move out after initially been given green stickers after the Christchurch earthquake".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake aftermath. Council workers moving furniture of Mike Whiteford who has been forced to leave his flat in South Brighton after being told by the council they have to move out after initially been given green stickers after the Christchurch earthquake".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Acland Ave and other nearby residents upset about houses that are green stickered but are unlivable and they cannot access any relief funds. Acland Ave resident Toby Grant (7) outside his house where a portaloo stands in the front yard".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Acland Ave and other nearby residents upset about houses that are green stickered but are unlivable and they cannot access any relief funds. Acland Ave resident Toby Grant (7) outside his house where a portaloo stands in the front yard".
A pdf copy of panel 5 of Guy Frederick's 'The Space Between Words' exhibition. The panel includes text from an interview with Jolene Parker about her experiences of the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquake. Above this is an image of Parker sitting in the site of her grandmother's house, which was demolished after the earthquakes.
A brick house on Centaurus Road with damage to the top left window and "Danger Keep Out" tape around the edge. A yellow sign on the front window indicates that the building should only be entered for "Restricted Use". This means it has faired better than the brick house next door which is red-stickered.
A portaloo ouside an apartment building, on the wall next to it is a red sticker, informing the public the site is dangerous and not to enter. On the other side are spray painted codes left by USAR after it had been cleared. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked.
The Cranmer Court demolition started today in Christchurch. The 1876 building was originally a Normal School and was in a derelict state in the early 1980s when it was rescued and converted into apartments. The heritage-listed building was red-stickered after the February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of the 'All Righties' giving All Right? stickers to St James School pupils. The photograph was taken at the launch of the St James AWA trail at St James School. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 2 September 2015 at 3:56pm.
Christchurch MPs - Labour's Lianne Dalziel and National's Amy Adams - say it's not fair for seat-of-the-pants post-quake red/yellow and green sticker assessments to be formally recorded forever. They say the assessments were hastily done and inconsistent. But the Christchurch City Council says its required to do so under the provisions of the Canterbury Earthquake Response and Recovery Act.